Chapter 37

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Their stance relaxed as they recognized the skeleton in front of them, who just looked at them with a smile, putting one of his hand down to finger gun the four brothers. "It's been a while, heh?"

"I was starting to think that you wouldn't come, Fresh." The colorful skeleton chuckled at that and shook his head. "And stay with those unrad pals? Nah, no way! And I wanted to see my favorite glitchy homie!" That being said, the colorful parasite went toward Drako and gave him the biggest hug that he ever gave to anyone. That's how much he missed his glitchy buddy.

Fresh didn't change much, he still wore his eye-catching outfit and his characteristic glasses, that showed the word 'HAPPY' instead of their usual 'YOLO'. But he also had shrunken into a younger version of himself, like Drako and Torment did. He was still smaller than Torment, making him look like he was fourteen or fifteen years old. Talking about Torment, the goopy skeleton was staring at Fresh with his brows furrowed, seeming quite curious about something. "Booyah! We have a lotta things to catch up on!"

Drako chuckled and hugged back the parasite, remembering everything that his brothers said that he did to 'avenge' him. For a Neutral Sans, it was quite a lot. "I GUeSs We DO... HoW DiD YoU FiND Us ThOUgh?"

The colorful skeleton smirked and let go of Drako, taking a few steps back before lowering his glasses, displaying his pink oval eyelight in his right eyesocket and a SOUL in perfect shape in his left eyesocket. He winked at Drako and put his glasses back on. "I know everything pal!" Drako just sighed, looking at the parasite with a deadpan expression. He wasn't even surprised by this answer; somehow, Fresh always knew everything. Which was sometimes rather creepy, by the way.

"But I didn't expect for our tots radical Crossy and Reapy to become fluffy balls... Oh well." He shrugged, not seeming to really care. They were alive and kicking, which was good enough for him. "Those radical Deities did change us into children, dunno why I'm surprised... Oh! And they gave me an actual SOUL! I have some awesome feelings now, it's da bomb!"

Torment hummed and nodded to himself. "So this is why I actually felt emotions coming from you." Fresh nodded with enthusiasm, quite happy to finally have a proper SOUL that would actually be able to last forever. Not that he was unhappy with his habit of possessing other Sanses and taking their SOULs as his own, but it was starting to get annoying to always depend on a host. "So, what are y'all lookin' for?"

Demise smirked, deciding to be playful. "I thought you knew everything? Shouldn't you know then?" Fresh chuckled, leaning on his skateboard –because he did come out of the portal by skating through it– and shaking his head with an amused smirk. "Oh but I know broski, just wanted ya to tell me yourself~" He paused, taking in Demise's surprised expression, while the others were left unimpressed, being way too used to the parasite's antics by now. "And I can even help you find those radical crystals, my fine pal!"

Demise could only gasp, looking at him in shock. How did he know? Just how?! He knew that the others liked to joke around by saying that he knew everything, but how?!

The three others sighed, not being disturbed at all by Fresh already knowing what they were looking for. It wasn't surprising anymore; Fresh not knowing would have shocked them, on the other hand.

"Do YoU KNow iN wHIcH AU tHEy cOuLD bE?" Fresh nodded, making his skateboard disappear in one of his famous 'Fresh poof' before placing an arm around Drako's shoulders, his hand ending on Demise's head and gently caressing it. Or well, it would have happened if Drako wasn't so damn tall. Fresh found himself wrapping his arm around Drako's waist instead, his glasses reading 'TALL BOI', making Drako chuckle. "Well I have a few ideas, yes."

Seeing the four brothers look at him curiously, Fresh continued. "Well I'm not totally sure, but did y'all try Magictale and UnderKeep?" He knew they didn't, of course. It was Fresh, after all. That guy somehow knew about the Balances without anyone telling him for Toby Fox's sake!

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