Chapter 45

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Another month had passed, during which the brothers spent most of their time with Nightmare's gang, effectively becoming great friends with them. They also spent a lot of time with their family in Dragontale, of course. And training their little brothers to traumatize the Rat, too. Of course, seeing the copies of their deceased brothers always made their SOULs have a pang of sadness, but there wasn't anything that could be done about it. They needed to move on; their brothers couldn't be brought back, and they probably wouldn't want them to be so sad. Knowing them, Killer would make a comment about the fact that he was supposed to be the forever crying of the gang, not them. Dust would be damn proud that he died in a fight against Ink and his lackeys, even if slightly embarrassed that the cause of his death was him snapping and accidently running into Demise. It wasn't something that he would want to be remembered for. Horror would stare at them blankly for a few seconds before cuddling them to death and offering them food to be happier. And Blue would flip tables, saying that they reeked of sadness and depression, as always. He would probably try to cheer them up, and if it didn't work, he still had some hardcore whiskey in stock. It would probably have been his first concern once in this Multiverse; stealing his counterpart's stock of alcohol –they didn't doubt a single second that this Blue was as demoniac as their own–.

So yeah, they were trying their hardest not to have a breakdown while thinking about their brothers and move on. It wasn't easy, but they managed. They grew quite fond of this Multiverse's 'Bad Sanses', unsurprisingly enough. They also sparred with Dust, who clearly underestimated them and regretted it. He didn't even last a minute. But was it really surprising? The fool thought that he could take all of them on at the same time. He couldn't, of course. They beat him in less than a minute. Dust was embarrassed and amazed at the same time while the rest of the gang just whistled in admiration. Dust then tried to fight just one at the time, which didn't make much of a difference. He then somehow convinced the whole gang to try with him. They lasted a bit longer, but didn't win either. How could they? They seemed awfully weak for the brothers, who constantly had to fight an angry Squid and his positive lackey multiple times a day, unlike them who only fought at least once a week with the Star Sanses. And even then, they were mostly play-fighting in the brothers' opinion.

Of course, their strength was a new good reason to adopt them, even if they wouldn't go back on that. The gang didn't want to face the wrath of an angry Killer because they didn't accept the kids in the family. That was something terrifying. Error and Nightmare were extremely proud of their younger selves, and didn't even try to hide it. Honestly, they were probably the ones who loved the brothers the most –with Killer, but Killer was almost their second mother without any link to their father at this point–, which resulted in the gang gossiping about how they actually were the kids' parents. Of course, the two strongest members of the gang and the brothers denied this fact fiercely but that didn't stop the gang. The gang of skeletons often found themselves praising the brothers, as they noticed just how unused they were to praises and affection. They were horrified to learn that the only persons who gave them affection was their adopted family and deceased friends –who they explained were like brothers to them, more than friends–. Of course, they ended up stuck under a cuddle pile. It felt oddly nice, surprisingly enough. They liked it.

They also suffered because of the brothers' pranks. Which were mostly made by Vibrant, but Blade and Drako gave some ideas... That totally weren't originally made to prank Torment. Nope, not at all... Okay, they were completely made for this. But Torment didn't need to know that... Even if he had a hunch that it was the reason that Drako somehow had an entire list of pranks in his inventory. Some being way too detailed to not be destined to him; who else had goop to put glitters on? Unless Torment had a twin that he didn't know about –Dream didn't count, of course, Torment disowned him. Or that's what the goopy teenager kept telling himself– that Drako somehow met and planned on pranking, which was highly unlikely, the glitters were for him. Plus, Drako didn't want him to look at the list, something about not wanting to ruin the surprise, which was extremely suspicious in itself. Torment would most likely regret ever force-feeding Drako. But would he stop? No, never.

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