Chapter 15

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Drako wasn't able to escape his octopus of a brother, who forced him downstairs, walking past a smiling Gaster directly toward the kitchen. He was then put on a chair while Nightmare was taking his plate out of the fridge, putting it in the microwave to warm the food up. He could only sigh in annoyance, being observed by Cross and Reaper, who, he was sure, would warn Nightmare if he tried to escape. He could teleport, but the King of Negativity would find him, somehow. He always did, even when Drako hid in the weirdest place –it was the reason he was sometimes called the 'cat of the gang', and he wore this nickname with pride–. Sometimes, the black boned skeleton asked himself if Nightmare didn't put a detector on him or his phone to always manage to track him down. He even found him when he was suppressing his aura, so it wasn't that either!

Nightmare was just able to always find him, therefore running away was useless in that case. And it was maybe a little too soon to start a wild goose chase across this unknown Multiverse. Perhaps, in a few months, maybe he'll consider it.

Drako could see Gaster and his sons peeking out through the doorway, making him sigh. He rolled his eyes at the sound of Psyche's laugh echoing through his mind. Of course, they would laugh at him. He swears that if they find a way to give Psyche a body, he will force-feed them!

Sighing in resignation, he decided to at least start a conversation, since he knew he was doomed anyway. "So... HoW LoNG Do YoU GuYS ThINK It WILl TaKE BeFORe InK DeSTrOy OuR MuLtIvERse?" Nightmare hummed, seeming in thoughts. "I don't know, honestly, we killed quite a lot of Judges, and obviously, their AUs followed their deaths, so our Multiverse is actually emptier than it had ever been... Knowing Ink, though, they won't last a month. Perhaps even a week, since he is probably trying to recreate everything while we talk."

Drako sighed. It did sound like Ink to do that, and he didn't have much hope for his Multiverse after his fall anyway. Not that he cared, almost everyone he cared for –that was still alive– were here, with him. Granted, he would have loved the Charas and Toriels to be here as well, but he guessed that everyone couldn't come, otherwise Dragontale –and this Multiverse– would soon be filled up. "AnD DiD YoU ThINk aBoUT A NeW NaME?"

Cross looked at him strangely. "Dude, we learned we needed new names not even a day ago, let us some time!" Drako laughed slightly, scratching his cheek, where his tear marks were, with an embarrassed smile. "He is right Glitchy, it took you more than that to finally find yours after all!" Drako frowned slightly and mumbled his response. "If YoU DiDn'T ReJeCT AlL My IdEas, It WOUlD HaVE BeEN FAsTer..."

They all looked at him curiously. Reaper was the one to ask what was on everyone's mind. "What are you talking about Err-Hum... Drako, sorry?" Drako turned his gaze toward the now-dragon God of Death and huffed slightly. "PsYcHE bEiNG aNnOyINg, GeT UsEd To IT."

They all nodded, holding back a snicker at Drako's expression. The black boned skeleton seemed already done with Psyche's bullshit, and he only met them a few days ago. But that didn't fool them, they saw the fond look in his eyelights. Their glitchy friend already had adopted that Voice.

Nightmare then put the plate in front of Drako's face, his tentacles swaying in warning. Clearly, he was telling him to not try to escape it if he wanted to escape being force-fed. How nice. Drako just sighed and looked at his portion, grimacing slightly. Thankfully, Nightmare had a bit of pity, since he could see his plate was less filled than before. It didn't mean it wasn't too much for his liking of course!

Drako looked at the plate of lasagna in front of him as if it personally offended him –which might be true honestly, at this point–. He opened his mouth to try to escape, only for Cross to cut him off. "No, you won't get away, don't try to argue."

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