Chapter 6

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'HmM... HoW DId wE gEt sTUCk iN ThIs sITuaTiOn AlReaDY...?'

Error looked around with a look mixed between confusion, slight worry and affection. Where was he? He somehow managed to stumble upon a pack of strange wolf-looking magic creatures. And now he was sitting with them and gently caressing one's head, hearing it purrs –at least it sounded like purring– softly in happiness while laying on the glitched teenager's laps. It was cute, he couldn't deny it, but he was now stuck until those animals decided to get up and leave –and they didn't seem to be interested in leaving anytime soon–. 'Well you wanted to explore and now here we are, surrounded by adorable animals that I would totally pet if I had a body... Please pet them for me, this is torture."

Error sighed and shook his head lightly, trying his best to not have a breakdown after seeing his family so broken without him. Following the Voice's previous advice, he started to walk around aimlessly. He wasn't looking for something in particular; actually he didn't even know what he could and would find here. He just decided to walk around. He would find what he would find. Now that he thinks about it, that idea screamed 'danger'. He didn't even know what was a threat and what was not! He was almost certain it wouldn't end well, but did he care? Nah, not really. He was immortal, he couldn't die even if he wanted to, it wasn't some plants and perhaps some animals that would manage to get rid of him!

Well actually, it would be funny if he managed to survive the Void only to die to a flower. If Ink ever learned about that, it was certain he would be pissed. Error couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the thought, and he swore that the Voice was laughing with him. Not that much of a surprise actually, since it was a part of him directly connected to his SOUL, they probably shared the same humor, likes and dislikes. If not, they were still probably very close to be the same. But he could tell they didn't share the same personality; the Voice did have his natural sassiness –or at least it seemed they had– but they seemed way more energetic and optimist than him, which kinda reminded him of a child. Perhaps the Voice was a child, they were created to guide him from now on after all, they didn't exist before. Basically, they weren't even a day old, even if they had his memories and knowledge. Knowing that somehow made him more attached to them, like an older sibling. He was always quick to bound with and appreciate people who reminded him of younger siblings. Or just people younger than him –which wasn't that hard to find considering he is eons old–. He never knew why. Perhaps, it was because at some point in his life –before he became Error–, he had a younger sibling? That didn't seem too improbable; he was still a Sans after all! And most Sanses had their Papyrus, even if some lost him for some reasons that were never good.

Just like he lost the gang...

He shook his head lightly and continued to walk, observing his surrounding with a small smile. It was truly beautiful. There were all type of plants he could think of, some he never even heard about before, reunited in a single jungle-like scenery. He could also see all kind of animals, some who naturally wouldn't be in the same environment as others but seemed to be strangely peaceful with each other. Of course, some were hunted by carnivores, but even though, they all seemed quite happy with each others despite their differences. Error couldn't help but think that Humans should follow their example.

He kneeled down in front of a bush with red leaves and blueish green flowers. He gently touched the petals of a flower, smiling at how soft it was. He continued to stroke the petals for a few seconds before getting up and continuing his exploration. He was surprise by how silent the Voice was, but he could feel that they were enjoying the nature as much as he was. It was really nice, Error never had the chance to just walk in an AU and enjoy the vegetation. Firstly because most AUs were Underground, and therefore there wasn't much to see beside the Echo Flowers, and because he was always chased out of the AUs when he was detected, even if he wasn't destroying. Plus, he mostly didn't have the time to enjoy such things since he had to take care of the Balance. So just the fact of being able to walk in this jungle –he assumed it was a jungle– made him particularly happy.

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