Chapter 14

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After explaining everything that happened to him since he fell into this Multiverse, and showing them his dragon form –Cross and Reaper were slightly jealous to not be as big, but since they were real dragons and it wasn't part of their SOULs, they guessed it was only logical–, they talked a bit. Drako did his best to retell everything correctly, knowing Nightmare wanted to hear every single detail.

After a while, Cross noticed a note on the floor and pointed at it with his paw. Drako frowned, knowing it wasn't there before, and went to grab it, reading it out loud for his friends to hear.

"Dear Drako,

We are sorry that not all of your friends could join you. Sadly, we can't do anything without gaining Fate's attention, otherwise we would have brought them back. We know how much you cared about them.

As you can see, two of them have been turned into young dragons. We hoped they would help Nightmare and you to fit more into Dragontale. We couldn't give a dragon side to Nightmare since his tentacles would replace the wings, and since he already have two forms.

We also changed Reaper's codes a bit, so he can now control his deadly touch. Of course, he will need to train to perfectly control it, but he will be able to touch people freely now. Consider that as a gift for joining our Chosen's side, young God.

Also, a side effect of Cross' codes modification might be that his Chara will be more present in his SOUL than in ghost form –like Psyche–. He will still be able to be there, just less. Just so you don't panic because of his absence.

Like Drako, you will all be able to understand dragons and animals. Originally, only Cross and Reaper should have been given this ability, but we thought it would be best and less confusing for Nightmare if all of you shared it.

Just so you know, there are already people with your names in this Multiverse; therefore, you might want to start thinking about new names. Think of this as a new start!

We hope that you enjoy this new chance at life and can finally heal.

With love,

Destiny and Karma."

Everyone stayed silent after this, except for Reaper who was choking down a sob at the mention of being able to actually touch people and things without killing them. That was the best gift ever! If only he had that ability before... Dust wouldn't be dead...

Drako reached out toward him, placing him on his laps and gently rubbing his head with one hand, the other being placed on Blue's hammer, that was on the floor beside him. He looked at his friends' thoughtful expression and sighed slightly. "WeLL... I gUEss ThIS Is IT... Do YoU WaNT To MEeT GaSTER? I dON'T WaNT hIM To ActUALlY FoRcE-FEed ME."

Nightmare seemed to perk up at the mention of force-feeding Drako while Cross looked at him with a look between amusement and sympathy. 'That sadistic little shit...' Drako sighed and shook his head. "No NiGHtMARe, YoU WOn'T HeLP HiM FORCe-FeeD Me."

He knew that look in the King's lone eye; he was going to do it if he didn't eat willingly. He sighed and got up, placing Reaper on his shoulder, the God of Death –should he still be called like this? It wasn't his job anymore technically, just like he wasn't the Destroyer anymore– seeming okay with being here. He swore he heard the dragon purr, which was adorable. He grabbed Blue's hammer, feeling the blue clad skeleton's magic envelop him once again and mix gently with his own while the weapon claimed him as his new owner, following Blue's last instructions. He could only smile at the feeling of protection this weapon gave him. "So... HuH... LeT'S TaKE EvErYThING... I GuESS..."

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