Chapter 3

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Warning; Error being ambushed by a squid's army... Does it really need a warning, though? It is a FGoD fanfic after all... Most of them have that-


Error was sitting alone in the eternal white abyss he called his 'home', playing boredly with his puppets. He was alone in the silence of the white hel-






.... Rectification; he was alone with the Voices of the white hell. He almost forgot about them, how shameful. He sighed, never stopping his little puppet show. "YeAH, yEaH, I KnOW yOu LOvE mE, nO nEEd tO sCREaM aLL aT oNCe."

Contrary to what anyone could think, Error was quite fond of those Voices, and he liked to think they were also fond of him, in a way. He always found a disturbing sense of comfort in them, knowing that even if he was to lose everything, they would still be there. Of course, some insults did hurt him, but he didn't care anymore, he was too used to them. Actually, most of the time, he found them funny since the Voices often reused their insults. The real problem of the Anti-Void was the white. Effectively, Error had slight leukophobia. Not to the point were being in a white place provoked panic attack, but enough were he was truly uncomfortable to stay in white spaces for too long. That's why he tried to code some colors into his prison, and he managed to do so! Sadly, Fate wasn't on his side –not that it surprised him anymore– and quickly turned the Anti-Void white once again.

Thankfully, he could easily deal with it; he could even stay there for months –if there wasn't this stupid Balance– without problem. He was just jumpier, and more uncomfortable than usually. Which could be an actual advantage since it meant nobody could surprise him here, even if he is supposed to be the only living being present. That obviously doesn't include Fresh, Error still doesn't know how he manage to always teleport here. Nightmare could if he was feeling negative enough –considering he had a natural negative aura as strong as the King of Nightmares', if not more, it wasn't that hard– but otherwise, the Anti-Void was quite safe. That didn't stop him from almost wanting to thank the Voices for making this place slightly better by taking his mind away from the endless white. Almost. But then Fate would probably take them away.

He continued to play with his puppets, smiling slightly, knowing he didn't need to destroy until Ink made a new AU, listening to the Voices who were cursing his name. It always made him want to laugh, he felt like that brother you curse at but still love with all your SOUL. He had a reason to feel like that; when he comes back badly injured, the Voices always sound... Concerned? Yes, that was the word. It always manages to make him smile, even if only a little. It made him happy to know that they truly cared. Not that they could show it if they really did; Fate would probably have their asses –do they even have asses?– if they showed him the slight bit of concern.

Suddenly, he felt a blazing pain in his SOUL, making him hiss silently. That was the signal he needed to know Ink had once again created something. He sighed softly, putting his puppets back with the others before getting up. His bones cracked softly with the movement, not that is was unusual.




Another thing about the Voices; even if they insulted him, they tended to form their sentence in a way to indirectly compliment him and his job, calling him a savior of sort. It always felt nice to have someone tell him that kind of thing. "DoN'T WoRRY fRIeNDs, I'M gOiNG."

Dragon of DestructionOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara