Chapter 12

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Everyone was ecstatic after learning that the Destroyer was dead. A lot were scared of the way Ink acted and of how he didn't hesitate to push someone into the Void –a death most wouldn't even wish their worst enemy–, but in the end, it was fair. He killed billions of Monsters and Humans alike, destroyed many people's AUs... He deserved to suffer for all eternity. The Void was actually the perfect sentence for that evil being!

At least, that's what they told themselves. They couldn't pity that horrible Monster after all. Even the slightest thing about him –actually, some didn't even refer him as a person anymore, and called him an 'it'– was a reason to suffer. Even the thing the most normal, like his habitude to stargaze in Outertale. Yes, some found that a bit extreme, but it was the Destroyer they were talking about, anything was good to hate him! He didn't deserve pity or mercy!

And so, everyone was getting ready for the biggest party of the Multiverse; celebrating the death of a cruel Destroyer. Some prepared food, some put the decorations in place –while others were creating them, Ink insisted on making this party full of creative things, as a symbol of Creation's victory against Destruction. Frankly, he was taking this too much at heart–, some others preparing things like the songs that would be played. It would be a memorable event, they were all sure of it!

Some decided –pushed by their brothers for the lazier ones– to come dressed in a more fancy way, just for the occasion. During this time, Stretch was sitting with Dream, who was trying his best to comfort the lanky skeleton. He couldn't believe his brother attacked them and went to Nightmare! Was he really that brainwashed? How did he not notice sooner? Was there still a chance to save him?

Those questions repeated themselves non-stop in his head, but Blue's final words were the most painful and what stuck the most.

'You are no brother to me, Stretch!'

He couldn't have meant it... Right? There was no way his small blueberry of a brother would reject him like this, right? For what? Getting the Multiverse rid of a nuisance? What did they even do to his brother to make him react like this? It was obviously Error's fault, which only made the tall skeleton happier that he was no more. Oh how he should have tortured him more for kidnapping his brother, he almost regretted calling Ink instead of doing this. But at least, his universe was saved that day. That's all that mattered, and Ink did broke most of his bones that day, which was pretty nice.

Stretch sighed, thanking Dream for the attention, deciding to go out to smoke a little. Certainly, his brother would come back anyway. He would realize the Destroyer's death was for the better, even if he had been brainwashed. And in case he didn't, he could always ask Sci or Medic's help. Surely, they would find something to make his brother back to normal!

Dream could only sympathize with Stretch's situation. He himself lost his brother, and could understand how the Swap Papyrus was feeling. He didn't feel that good knowing one of his best friends went willingly with Nightmare, but as Stretch said, he was surely brainwashed. Poor Blueberry...

The positive skeleton sighed, deciding to go see his artistic friend, who went off to create some AUs to celebrate Error's death. Now that no one was stopping him, he was going to create all the time! He had so many ideas, Dream could only laugh when he saw how excited his best friend was. Yes, the way Error was killed did sound horrible to Dream, but after a moment of thinking, he realized that the Destroyer could not have been saved. He wouldn't repents himself, and they couldn't kill him. It was the only solution in the end. It's wasn't like he didn't have the choice to stop his evil doings after all! Yes, it was his own fault if he was being torn apart and put back together by the Void. For once, Dream wouldn't feel pity toward someone's pain.

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