Chapter 29

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When they got back home, Gaster sent a letter asking for an audience with the King stating that it wasn't urgent –otherwise he would probably get scolded by Asgore for worrying him for nothing–. He still got one pretty quickly the next day. Letters were delivered quickly in this universe; as the postmen were flying to the different villages with their dragons' help.

This is how, after dropping Sans and Papyrus to school, Gaster took his dragon form and let his kids ride on his back while he started to fly toward the village comporting the King's castle. The four of them were quite happy to finally see their father's dragon form. He was a white dragon with purple patterns on his scales, a light purple stomach and a purple fading to black tuft of fur at the end of his tail. There were purple lozenges on his back, varying from a lighter color near his head to a darker one near his tail.

They flew for a while, a little less than an hour, before the village finally came into view. It would have been faster if Gaster didn't take his time, but the brothers didn't mind as the view was amazing. It was quite different from the lab's village; the houses were bigger, just like the streets, more dragons were flying around the sky –mostly around the castle– and the village in itself just seemed more lively than the other one. Streets were full of Monsters walking around, a few Mages alongside them. Blade whistled at the sight while Gaster landed at a safe distance from the village, where he wouldn't be seen changing back into his skeletal form. He then waited for Torment and Drako to get off his back and changed back into his skeletal form, letting out a tired sigh. "I almost forgot how tiring it could be..."

Drako stared at him for a few seconds before shrugging. "I'Ll BrInG uS BaCK OnCE We'Ll bE DoNE." Gaster looked at him, still catching his breath from the energy that he used to transform. "Are you sure?" Drako nodded. "YeS, UnLiKE YoU, It dOeSN't TiRE Me OuT TO TRaNsFoRm." Gaster shrugged, muttering an 'Alright then.' In response before starting to walk toward the village followed by his sons. He took a tissue out of his inventory and wiped his face a bit while walking as to look presentable in front of the King.

The brothers were pleasantly surprised that Gaster didn't try to make them dress up to meet the King. As much as he was respected here, they were simply above him as three of them were Gods. And Blade, even though he wasn't one, should be just as respected as he was the brother of three Gods, after all. Of course, they couldn't brag about their titles, as it would ruin everything. Plus, 'God of Destruction' wasn't really a title that Drako liked to brag about. He preferred being 'the cat of the gang', honestly. That title was better, and wasn't forced upon him to protect an ungrateful Multiverse from a Deity's child's recklessness... Drako was starting to realize that he was still thinking about Ink, Fate and his and his brothers' old Multiverse. He should forget them, not think about them all the time!

Well, it was easier said than done; he simply couldn't forget eons of torture like that in just a few weeks, no matter how much he wanted to. Sensing his growing negativity, Torment wrapped a tentacle around Drako and pulled him in a side-hug, making the taller skeleton purr slightly while hugging his brother back with a small smile. Demise snuggled closer to his neck, understanding that the taller of the gang needed affection, while Blade used Torment's tentacles as a bridge toward Drako before jumping on his free shoulder and nudging his cheek in an affectionate manner. 'Damn I don't deserve them...'

Psyche scoffed. "Please, Glitchy, you deserve all the love in the world! No, wait! All the love in the different Multiverses! Stop being so self-depreciating or I swear that I'll find a way to become physical just to crush you in love and affection!" Drako chuckled, a fond smile on his face. Oh what did he ever do to deserve such a loving family?

They soon arrived in front of the village and entered, discovering that it was just as lively as they thought that it was. Maybe even a bit too much, as the streets were quite crowded, making Drako a bit uncomfortable and Torment quite tense. They noticed how Gaster slowed down his pace a little to stay near them, making them smile a little. Their father was the best they could ever dream of.

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