Chapter 39

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Now that Vibrant was officially part of the family –thankfully, Torment assured Gaster that nobody from their Multiverse would arrive anymore–, the problem of the backstory was back. They opted for something simple; Gaster found Vibrant alone in one of Snowdin's streets and decided to adopt him after learning that he was an orphan and didn't have a home. It wasn't nearly as dramatic as Torment and Drako's backstory, but it would do just fine.

While they were choosing Vibrant's backstory, Drako put copies of Vibrant's clothes in the parasite's closet and created a pajama for said parasite. Just like his own and Torment's, it was fairly simple; a pink t-shirt with a representation of his parasite form on the chest. With that, he made green pants with yellow swirls decorating it. He also made copies of the pajama –still being too lazy to make other outfits– that he placed in Vibrant's closet with the copies of his clothes.

Once that everything was done, Torment turned toward Vibrant. "So... Could you explain what happened after we left?" Vibrant nodded. "Aiight, but let's go up then." He wasn't sure if it was a good idea to talk about it in front of Sans and Papyrus. Nor in front of Gaster, who proved himself to be a very protective father, if what Blade said was true. Not that what he had to say was horrible –compared to everything that they have been through in their lives–, but he wouldn't try to talk about Ink's foolishness in front of them. Just in case. Gaster would probably try to reach their Multiverse just to kick Ink's nonexistent ass... Which wouldn't actually be that bad, but they didn't want their father to put himself in danger for something so stupid.

Gaster sighed and nodded. "Alright, but don't stay up too late." He pointedly looked at Drako and Torment, who just smiled innocently. Papyrus and Sans ran toward them to hug them. "Good night brothers!" They smiled and hugged the little skeletons back, bidding them good night.

They then went upstairs and entered their room. They took a few seconds to watch the modifications made by Drako and Vibrant whistled in admiration. "That's neat mah glitchy broseph!" Drako chuckled, hearing Psyche also praise him for his work while Torment and their two dragon brothers nodded in agreement. "ThANK YoU."

They all took a sit on the carpet and Vibrant started explaining what happened. "So... After the unrad party, Ink tried to recreate all the Originals that got dusted. 'Course, he couldn't do it perfectly so they had a lotta differences with the real Originals... Red was darn soft, for example, I didn't understand. And he liked white chocolate instead of black." Drako frowned at this difference. It clearly wasn't like the Red he knew to like white chocolate –because yes, it was the most important information in his eyes–, it wasn't bitter enough for the edgy skeleton. He couldn't imagine Red enjoying the sweet treat. Vibrant snickered. He knew that Drako and Blade would focus on this information.

"At first, he only focused on remakin' all the Originals so it was okay, but after a while, he started making those unrad copies again. I took advantage of that to possess some Sanses, and since he couldn't be stopped in his darn creation, I decided to act a bit dramatic since my new host gave me a bit of feelings 'n go to him like 'THEY KILLED THEMSELVES BECAUSE OF YOU' with a few unrad curses that I'm not proud of." They snickered, imagining the colorful parasite being overly dramatic over their 'deaths'. They were almost sad that they missed that.

"I also destroyed a few unrad copies with my tot fly Fresh Virus an' fought a bit with da Stars... Oh, Ink didn't make a new UnderSwap by da way, somethin' 'bout not wantin' another traitor." Vibrant shrugged. He never cared enough to try and understand Ink's reason to refuse to make UnderSwap back. "T'was fun. I created a bit of chaos for fun too an' played with those unrad new versions of our favorite blind broskis. They didn't know 'bout me an' my Virus at first, so it was even funnier to play with 'em." Vibrant paused for a second, snickering at the memory of the things that he did to mess with that Multiverse.

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