Changed ・Kurapika・

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Yes Hi Hello! The paragraph in bold beneath me is me ranting on Asian American Hate Crimes and racism and the Atlantis Spa Shooting Incident because I got to put my anger somewhere while also exposing awareness to people. You can just skip if you don't want to read it. Enjoy the scenario!

So before you start to read the scenario, I can't stand by and see the news about the Atlantis Spa shooting without saying anything. If you don't know anything about it, there are tons of articles and tik toks about it, but to summarize it, 8 people died in the Atlantis Spa shooting and six of them were Asian women. I hate how people are literally standing up for this murderer because he had a bad day. Like bich what? How is that supposed to justify anything? They also said something about him trying to get rid of "sexual desire"? The FUQ? Buddy, please get a therapist. People are saying that this isn't an Asian Hate Crime, but most of his victims were Asians and not to mention they were at salons that many Asians work at. Please, people, need to look beyond race and the racist stereotypes. People love our food, anime, k-pop, our culture, and not to mention many things in America are from Asia, but yet, they tell us to go back to our country, make fun of part of our culture, and label us. Even attacking vulnerable parts of the communities like elders and children. Like I'm about to smash my whole keyboard writing this, the disrespect is turning me into Bakugo. You don't have to go protest or anything, but at least educate yourself yanno? Let people around you know and just simple stuff, even recognizing it as messed up is good. Anyways, that's the end of my talk, enjoy the scenario. :D


A little angsty drabble because I miss Kurapika from the beginning of Hunter x Hunter.


The rain masks your tears as you walk through the busy streets covered with umbrellas in the city. You shiver, hair getting damped, but that doesn't matter. Your heart hurts too much to care because your best friend and lover Kurapika wasn't the same like he used to. Back then he was the kindest, wisest, caring person in the whole world. He voices great advice when needed and always had a clear mind, always giving you a calm sense in your system when everything gets chaotic. He thinks things through while still being consistently kind and caring, making sure nobody is left behind or feeling a sense of loss. Sometimes, Kurapika can be goofy and show a more relaxed version of himself, but now... one thing that is on his mind is the group of thieves that took the Kurta Clan away, the Phantom Troupe.

Phantom Troupe this Phantom Troupe that. It's clouding his mind like a toxic gas and it's changing him drastically, but slowly. You are well aware he wants to get revenge on the Phantom Troupe and you are okay with that. You are 100% fine on helping him chase down the Phantom Troupe because that is always his goal and you are willing to help with that goal since you were apart of his clan too, but it breaks you slowly how he is becoming more distant and emotionally detached. He wasn't as kind anymore and his goofy laid back attitude is never coming back unless the group of spiders is eradicated.

You don't want him to show you affection 24/7. You are well aware that there is no time for that, but why does he have to be so cruel to you? Why is Kurapika stabbing you with harsh words when you make a mistake now? You know he cares for you and doesn't want to put you in danger, but it hurts to see him change. You know he doesn't want his rage to fade, but it feels that it all he is. Just rage. The goal of revenge against the Phantom Troupe has plagued his mind enough to the point Kurapika didn't realize he was hurting you.

"Kurapika, why are you being so stubborn!? Isn't Gon our best friend!? As friends, we should at least visit him! We never know if our presence can help!" Kurapika rubs the bridge of his nose as his eyes turn more scarlet, "You don't understand! I don't have time for that! If you want to go then you can go, but Gon isn't important right now!" You squeezed your knuckles so hard they begin to white. Your chest was filled with so much pain and anger, you couldn't help but get your point across his mind, "Gon isn't important and chasing down the Phantom Troupe is!? Gon is on the verge of DEATH, Kurapika! We never know when we will never see him again! We can always make changes to catch the Phantom Troupe, but once Gon is gone, there is no chance to ever see him again! Don't you understand that!?" Kurapika stops massaging the bridge of his nose, gritting his teeth and curling his fist.

"Will you just..." Kurapika shakes in frustration, the spiders are crawling around in his brain, taunting him to chase them, "Can you just..." Your eyes soften, prepared to tell him to just forget it. "SHUT UP!? I DON'T NEED DISTRACTIONS RIGHT NOW!" His chained hand bangs on the table, rocking the glass containers of the Kurta's clan's beautiful red eyes, and the chains of his hand rattle his stress and frustration out. "If you're going to be in the way of catching the people who took away our clan then you can leave!"

Your heart shattered, glassy tears slips onto the floor to show it. You shake as your blood boils with so many emotions, "You've CHANGED and I hate it!" You quickly ran out of the building you guys were in, not bothering to get an umbrella or jacket because neither of those can shield you from the storm within your heart and mind.

You walk down the street, trying to give yourself the warmth that faded earlier by running your hands up and down your arms. You swerve to the side and into one of the buildings. You pulled put phone, wiping the raindrops before calling one of your close friends.

"Leorio... where are you? Are you near this city?" Leorio's voice rings throughout your ears soothing your pained soul, "Oi! You sound really upset! Are you okay? Why isn't Kurapika picking up?" You sniff, "We got into a fight... and... and... he's not coming to visit Gon. I will though, so if it's not a bother... can you please pick me up?" Leorio stayed quiet for a second, "Of course, (y/n)."

You hang up, holding back the sobs that want to erupt our of you. It took a while, but Leorio finally came in a borrowed black car, rolling down the window with a warm smile that gives you a sense of comfort. "Get in, let's see our friend." Smiling in agreement, you hop into the car. As Leorio drives to where Gon is, you can't help but look down at your phone, hoping Kurapika's message about how he was in the wrong would come up, but it never did. You turned it off. Staring at the window, the tears you kept ay bay washes down your face silently.

Leorio looks at the mirror, the back at the road. "Kurapika will come to his senses soon. So let's worry about Gon right now." Wiping away your tears, you gave a firm nod, "Right."

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