・Request ~ Shalnark x Female Reader・

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Shalnark got some beefy arms ngl (_;)
A request from _novachan12! I hope you enjoy it and thank you for requesting! Enjoy the story!



I stared at the screen of my computer, waiting for my online friend to respond.

I met him on (favorite game) about 2 years ago and ever since we exchange discord usernames we would talk and play games together as much as we could, but he was always busy. Over time, I started to form a little crush on him. He always has this dorky laugh and honestly has a sunshine personality over call. I think he would be a really great person to hang out with and one day,  I really hope we can become real-life friends. He always checks up on me and make sure I am doing well. My dad works in another country and my mother usually is hopping around on business trips. Right now she's on one, sadly. I'm old enough to take care of myself and usually, mom would call from time to time, but it lasts for a minute before she gets pulled away again. I'm a work at home person. A writer to be exact. I'm just a person that enjoys their life on the internet and tries to survive the real-life one. Nothing to big.

It's kinda sucks that he doesn't live in my area.

And the thing is whenever I ask him if we can ever facetime, he always said,

"If you saw what I look like and knew who I am. I'm sure you would want to stop talking to me."

I don't know what that means. I don't even know his real name. I always called him goldy locks or goldy because he mentions once he had blond hair. 

I sigh as he said the same thing to the same question I asked millions of times.

I quickly typed on my computer,

Why not? I won't judge you how you look! o(><)oo

Goldy Locks
It's not that it's just... complicated... and it could endanger you

Well, it's not like you're a 40-year-old man or something. I know you well enough to know you're my age. I mean... you're not right??? (⊙﹏⊙)

Goldy Locks
I mean you do have a point that I might be a 40-year-old man because I don't want to show my face, but I promise I'm not! >:(

Pfft, I know that. Until you show your face, we are never ever going to meet up, ever. For trust issues :)

Goldy Locks
Don't worry, I get that

But hurry! I really wanna meet you if you are the real deal! You're such an amazing person online so I wonder what you're like in rl!!

I sat there with a smile creeping on my face, staring at the screen for his response, but I don't see him typing. Odd? Did he just left me on read? Rude.

I pouted and fidget with my sweater's strings, staring at the conversation with boredom. "Maybe I said something weird and he up and left?" I mumble anxiously. What if I freaked him out!?

I click the text box and started typing again. Maybe I should pull out the jk, maybe that will help-

As I began typing, the discord calling sound comes on, except it's on video call!

I panicked at the screen keeps on ringing, hoping maybe he pressed it by accident. I wasn't ready! I still look like a couch potato, come on Goldy!

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