Study x Hours ・Kurapika・

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Hey guys, I'm back with another scenario. I just finished Hunter x Hunter and I'm
(;`)ゞ The feels are real.

This scenario is in Highschool AU.

Enjoy the story!



(Y/n)'s POV

I'm your average highschool student. Nothing really special... I'm in no part of clubs or have any special "title" my fellow classmates used to describe me. Maybe they do, but stereotypes are dumb, so I don't really mind. Let's say I'm just a girl, trying to survive school and that's all that matters. Well... it's not the only thing that matters. I'm not popular or a loner. I have the right amount of friends and they are the most amazing and caring people I have ever met. I get to act like myself around them and honestly... that's the best part of the day. My friends and I getting to be comfortable and be ourselves for once. You're probably wondering who I am and who my friends are. Don't worry I got you.

My name is (y/n) (l/n), a senior student. Like I said, pretty decent girl with decent grades, personality, reputation, nothing special. Well... I like to (Any verb that fits) (a hobby you like to do) and I pretty good at it, not gonna lie. Enough about me, next to my wonderful friends! Gon, a freshman that has a positive, bright, and determined personality that can attract any kind of person! The lovable and dorky boy that people want to hug to death. He's great at basically every sport. Note that he's pretty bad at math. Next, his best buddy, Killua. He's really good at sports too, but he also an excellent guitarist! He's a bit a tsundere, but he is very loyal to his friends. Killua has a very cool and calm personality and with his fluffy hair and majestic blue eyes, he attracts a lot of girls. Though he is not very good with them. Haha! Yes, I made some freshman friends, but their personalities made it irresistible to ignore their friendship.

Next is Leorio! This senior has a warm heart and he is focusing on becoming a doctor to save lives. He has great advice... though sometimes he can blow a fuse and be... ehem perverted. He doesn't have any bad intentions though! He has to be the most caring person I have ever met. He will be a great doctor. I'm sure of it. Next is (b/f/n), also a senior. She's my best gal friend and I know I can always rely on her. She's tough on the outside, but she's soft on the inside. People always look up to her- including me- and I knew her since we were really young. We have- basically... an unbreakable bond. As she is a captain of the soccer team, I have a deep respect for her.

The next and the last... is my best friend in the whole entire world... is Kurapika. My god, I sound like cupid has shot an arrow through my heart. I mean- he did, but... anyways! This is between you and me. Kurapika is my little crush. Possibly more than a crush. He's a wonderful person. He's extremely smart and gah, there's so many words to describe him! He's just always so sweet and caring. He's the school's student council president and many people see him as an amazing role model. Everybody absolutely adores him for his gentle demeanor. He's really good at communicating with people, but he has a bad relationship with the delinquent of the school. They call themselves the "Phantom Troupe" and cause trouble discreetly. He's always enrage when they are around. The school is too afraid of them to do anything about them so the principal has made a deal with them. The deal is a secret so only a few people know. Either way, always avoid them!

And that's some people at Hunter High!

Anyways, that wraps the intro up so let's move on, shall we? Ehem...

Third POV

"Good morning class." Miss Bisky walks through the door, pulling everybody's attention towards her. "Morning!" Everyone greets back with an unamused tone, especially for (y/n), she really doesn't want to be there, knowing that, "I'm going to give you back the test from last week, some of you have to stay behind... um to ehem fix some problems for a better score." The test that she knows 100% percent she already failed. Learning Hunter History isn't a thing for her. She sighs as Mrs. Bisky passes out the test from last week. Some students gave a sigh of relief, happy to see a decent grade on their paper and some just put in their bag without a care. One of them is Kurapika, it's clear to (y/n) he aced the test. She admires him for a bit before Kurapika turns around, catching her in the act. (Y/n)'s shoulder jumps a little as Kurapika gives her a kind smile and wave. She immediately switches her face towards the window with a blush on her face, hoping he didn't see any of that.

He chuckles under his breath, shaking his head and turning back around. Finally, Mrs. Bisky stops by (y/n)'s desk which is all the way in the back. "(Y/n), I want you after class." She says in a serious tone, slamming the paper down on (y/n)'s desk. It's not that Mrs. Bisky doesn't like her, Mrs. Bisky sees great talent in (y/n) and it upsets her that (y/n) sees herself less than a than that. (Y/n) sighs with her head on the desk, mumbling out, "Yes ma'am." The class snickers before Mrs.Bisky gives them all a death glare, shutting them up. Kurapika looks at (y/n) with clouds hung over her head, then suddenly an idea pops into his mind.

Time Skip

After school, (y/n) drag yourself down the halls and in front of Mrs.Bisky's classroom door. She puts her hands on the handle muttering to herself, "This will be fun..." Taking a deep sigh, she slides the door open. "I'm her- Gon? Killua? Wait, everybody is here?" (Y/n) stares in shock as Gon waves at her, accompanied by Killua, Leorio, (b/f/n), and of course Kurapika. "W-what are you all doing here. You guys sucking at history too?" "No (y/n), we are here to help you study!" Gon exclaims in a happy tone. "No need to thank us, that is what friends are for." Killua crosses his arms. "Kurapika has assembled us here to help you." Leorio smiles. "R-really!?"

(Y/n) turns to Kurapika with his hands bound together, grinning ear to ear. He nods his head, "I didn't want you to study alone so..." Kurapika takes a second and avoid her gaze, "I gather everybody here to make studying more fun." "Thank you so much Kurapika." (B/f/n) looks at both of them, placing her hands on her hips, "Just say you guys like each other and move on."

"Ha-" (Y/n) and Kurapika glares dagger at her, causing her to sweatdrop. Then they both look at each other, and away. "A-anyways, let's help (y/n)." Gon interrupts and thus the study began.

Time Skip

"I don't think my brain can take this anymore." (Y/n) complains with her head on the desk. Smoke was coming out of her ears. "I think that wraps it up for today, well done (y/n), and thank you all for helping her." Mrs. Bisky says with a smile. "You hear that (y/n)! I hope you learned a lot today!" Gon gives her pat on the back. "Yay..." She sighs out.

At the end of the day, Kurapika decides to take (y/n) home...

"So (y/n), you still need any help?" Kurapika asks her as they walk down the sidewalk. "Probably." (Y/n) mumbles, "But it won't be bad with you!" She giggles. "Oh really?" Kurapika smirks at her with his eyebrows cock, "Uh! I mean- hehe." (Y/n) taps her fingers together and look down. Kurapika chuckles under his breath, "Well, just call when you need me."

The End


Not really proud of this scenario that much, but maybe it's because the intro took so much time. I've been getting writer's block and have no motivation to do anything at all. :/ I will be doing more Highschool AUs in the future! I hope you guys like the scenario and thank you for reading, bye!


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