・Request ~ Nobunaga x GN Reader・

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This is a request from Zeylnn! Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you enjoy the scenario! Let's give this man some quality attention :))
Italics = flashback
-Author \(*ΦωΦ)ノ


"I'm going to find you, (y/n)! You know I am the MASTER of Hide and Seek!" Trying to hold in my snicker, I try to keep at least 4 meters away from him, knowing that this sneaky bastard would use his en when I told him not to! I can already feel it! Nobunaga, that cheater!

I hop behind each rock, peeking a bit from the side before snickering and jumping away again.

Nobunaga and I were playing hide and seek to pass the time as the other group members were finding information for our next mission. They just told us to do whatever and wait at the rocky area. So we decided to play some hide and seek! Well, it was my idea and I just force this oldie to play.

"Hide and Seek? Come on, a children's game? What do we look like to you, a bunch of babies?!" Nobunaga was walking back and forth, hand on his katana as his pride refuses to let him play this children's game. "Oh come on Nobunaga! This is the perfect time to train AND we get some bonding time! Don't you want bonding time with your favorite person?" Nobunaga looks at me with a smug look, "Favorite person aye?" He closes his eyes, holding his chin as he looks down. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. It is UVO who is MY favorite person ya silly goo-! OW! HEY!"

I laugh out loud as I was fiddling with the second rock I was planning to attack him with. "What was that for!?" I turn away and whistle, pretending to ignore his complaints. "Oi! Don't ignore me! That's very rud- OW! Yanno what? Come back here!"

He fell right into my hands as planned. "Then come find me! Mwhaha!" I quickly dash away with a playful smile. "You're old and you act as if you're 5!" "Hmph! I'm not that old, OLDIE!" "We're almost the same age, get back here!"

I watch him from afar as he mumbles something, scratching his chest while he's at it. "You know I can always find you, (y/n). You silly..." Snickering, "I don't think so~!" I whisper quietly, knowing he MOST likely would not hear me. He continues walking in my direction, causing me no choice but to keep on sprinting away.

"Aw, come on (y/n). You know that I know that I can always find you. Like when we were kids back in Meteor City. You always running off and getting lost." I pouted. Why is bringing back embarrassing moments? Sheesh, it was always so embarrassing when I got lost, but at the same time, when Nobunaga finds me, it's comforting in a way. Like I found my way back home again.

"Wh-Where am I?" Looking around, I found no familiar faces amongst the tall, poor, adults that roam the streets in search of food. Meteor City isn't exactly the place where you would go to have pretty sights of people laughing and enjoying life. The houses were barely standing and every day, there was at least one dead body, lifeless and staring at everybody with empty eyes. We were all outcasts, this was our only home, but my home with Nobunaga.

"Nobunaga...! Where... Where are you..." The tears were blurring my vision as I sped walk through the dirty streets, "Nobunaga...!?" I turn around to each corner, the sounds of talking gets louder in my ears. I would look left and right only for me to run and hug a nearby building, hoping I can see Nobunaga walking by. "Nobu..." I would whimper, holding onto my raggedy clothes.

"Oi! Ya idiot!" I felt my head get chopped lightly. I turn around to Nobunaga's irritated face, but it made the tears in my eyes disappear and scare the fear away. "Nobu! I'm sorry I ran away! I won't do it again!" I would wrap my arms around Nobunaga's lanky frame, hoping it would never leave me again. I could feel Nobunaga's anger falter as his tense body calms. He would put a hand on my head. As I look up, he gives me a warm smile, "Promise?" I nod my head. "Let's go steal some bread, okay?" "Mhm! I'm hungry!" I let go of him, looking down at his body "And you could use some food too, you lanky boy." "Oh shuddup! I'm strong! That's how I protect you! Ya dummy." "Pft!" Even when we were cold-blooded murderers wanted by hunters, he would away protect me, just like promised. Even when people call him evil, in my heart, he is the kindest and funniest man in the world.

"Alright then. Let's go, ya hag." "Shut Up!" Then, he would take my hand and we would steal bread.

I guess they aren't that embarrassing. That memory is warm and will always be in my- "Found ya!" Whipping my head around, Nobunaga stands there smugly. "Ah... you got me... Just kidding!" I quickly dash off to another place to hide, "Oi! That's not how this game work!"

I turn around as I was in midair, "Says who!? See ya later sucker!" Instantly, Nobunaga's distant body appears right behind. Nobu quickly opens his arms wide before enveloping me with them. "Hey! We're not going to land right!"

I can hear Nobunaga's laugh ring through my ears in an echoing manner. My back could feel the vibration of his happiness. "No matter where you are! I will always find you!" There was warmth in those words. Like, no matter what trouble I am in, no matter where...

I peek behind my back. A small smile found away on my lips. For now, we're not Phantom Troupe members who steal, taking lives as please or a bunch of dangerous criminals with bounties on our heads. For now... we're just two playful people who really love each other.

No matter where I am... Nobunaga will always find me and keep me safe. That's what I love about him.

"Sorry that I ran away... I won't do it again!" Nobunaga lands gracefully on tops of the tall rocks, settling me down gently. "You say that so many times and I still have to end up finding you." Nobunaga pats my head. "But it doesn't matter. Wherever you're lost, I can always find you. I can keep that promise." I smiled. It was that kind if smile that hurts because you are smiling so wide and you can't stop. "Teehee, alright, come find me again!" I run off again. I can hear Nobunaga sigh, "You're seriously..." I smiled wider. "So childish!"

The End


I think this was a really cute scenario. Sorry if Nobunaga is a bit too OOC, but I tried my best writing for him! Thanks for reading!

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