・Request ~ Killua x Female Reader・

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Request for ii-LUVsick-ii
Sorry for taking a while, hope you like it! It was enjoyable to write! :D
Trigger Warning: Nightmare, abandonment issues, mocking/tormenting of yn


Ocean waves... I can hear... the shore?

I opened my eyes to see a bright, blue sky. Blurry seagulls gawk as they fly through it. The clouds were coming to a focus as I open my eyes fully. I sit up, look around where I was. It was a place that is unfamiliar to me because I know 100% I was definitely in the middle of the city in a hotel with Killua and Go- wait... I whip my head left to right, my vision only showing me the gentle waves creeping up along the shore and back out. A stereotypical red crab moves next to me and I don't want it me. Standing up, observing my surroundings more, I realize that I was on a deserted island.

It was a small island with a simple palm tree in the middle and a huge ocean surrounding it. It was in the middle of the day where the sun smack my forehead causing sweat to form. "KILLUAAA! GOOONN!?" I screamed out, but only the waves responded. "ANYBODY???!!" My body did a 360 turn only to find absolutely nothing. The island is just sand with a single palm tree in the middle. This is getting way too weird? How did I end up here and why is this island so perfectly round... this makes no sense!

My breath starts to shake, "What am I supposed to do...? KILLLUUAAA!!" I screamed Killua's name again. He's someone who I feel safe around. He's calm and level-headed. He would know what to do and try to figure things out, but at the same time he's funny and a joy to be around. Ah, Gon is really reliable too, but there's something about Killua that makes me li-

"Hey!" I look down. A crab. The crab from before. Who said that? I look up, taking a step away from the crab. I turn my head side to side. "Down here! Yahoo!" I shift my gaze down again only to find that stinky crab again. "What...?" "What do you mean what!? This is why everyone abandoned you!" I stare at the crab and the crab stares right up at me, blinky its googly eyes and pinching its claws. "WHAT THE... THIS CRAB IS REALLY TALKING AND... WHAT DO YOU MEAN ABANDONED?" I look from left to right once again, my neck is already tired of it. There must be something controlling this crab? A manipulator? Please... I want to get off this island... I feel so isolated- Then I hear a bunch of snapping noise from the crab below.

The crab crawls left and right, snapping its claws, "That's right! That's why your best friends left you on this miserable island by yourself! You're a burden ya hear me! A burden!" I take multiple steps back from the freaky crab, "Yea right! I... I know they won't do that! Like I would listen to some weird cr..." The island starts rumbling and shook so much I lose my footing. The calm seas begin to ravage its big waves towards this small innocent island as the blue skies were taken over by thunderous dark clouds. Every strike of lighting shook my surrounding as the crabs grew larger and larger, anger evident in its eyes. Every time it snaps its big claw, a thunderous clack would ring through my ears. The horizon starts getting darker and darker like this place was getting swallowed by an empty void.

"One day! Everyone will abandon you! Your friends and certainly Killua wouldn't want you around! You're nothing but heavy luggage. You will be alone! You will die alone! Nobody wants you so why don't you go away!" The crab's voices made the ocean tremors as heavy rain kicks in. The island starts flooding with water, "No! They won't leave! They... they won't because... they promised... Killua promised..." Everything was getting louder and it tormented my head. "They're going to leave you! They're going to leave you!" It was chanted over and over into a song.

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