・Request ~ Killua x Self-harming Fem!Reader・

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Ya'll, I don't know when I will get back to requests because school is really taking so much of my time, it's not even funny. Since last year, we were online school a lot, nothing much happened, but it's only been 3 weeks this year and there is already a fight and someone graffitied to school's bathroom walls. Anyways, I'll try to do some more requests.

Request from: IncognitoGirl7

Hello reader! I hope I didn't make u wait too long! Tysm for requesting! (*ˊˋ*) ᵞᵒᵘ and ILY <3333

(Trigger Warning!!  - Depressing subject, inflicting self-harm, blood, su!cidal thoughts/jokes)


"(Y/n)?!" Killua calls out after finding her not asleep in her tent after he has woken up to ruffling leaves in the middle of the night. "Have you found her yet Killua?" Gon asks him after jumping from the trees above. The moon outlines his figure. The forest is dead silent with only the moon as its light source. It was peaceful, but it was also dangerous.

Killua shakes his head and then buries his hand in his fluffy hair, a worried look was evident on his face, "The hell did she go? She can't possibly" "That's not possible!" Gon interrupts with a determined expression, "She's strong! Besides, we didn't hear any screaming. I didn't smell any intruder at all." Killua holds his chin and thinks, "You're right, but why would she just walk off without telling us in the middle of the night. She knows we're worried about her."

Gon frowns a bit, "You know right?" He asks in a quieter voice. Killua stares at him with oceanic eyes that were filled with hesitation and frustration. "Yea... You don't think..." He trails off, "We have to find her. It's too dangerous. We don't know what's in the forest at night." Killua tells Gon. Gon nods his head in agreement, "You'll look that way." Gon points to the East, "And I'll go the opposite." His finger point to the West. They both silently agree and jump off.

As Killua dashes through the forest, his mind traces back to when he first sees some cuts around (y/n)'s lower neck. He questions about, thinking that she got into some kind of fight or perhaps got attacked. She told him she fell into a thorny bush after fighting a bunch of money thieves. At first, he believed it, cats can be pretty vicious, but then he starts noticing cuts on her stomach when her shirt slightly lifts up sometimes. More and more, he can sees peeks of cuts that her clothes failed to hide. Not only that, she has been acting off for a while. A more somber look would come across her face, she would lose touch with what's going around her and even talk bad about herself as a joke.

(Y/n)'s clothes were painted with spaghetti and tomato sauce. "Haha, I'm so dumb. Don't you wish that I can just disappear?" Killua widens his eyes. His heart felt upset and could tell that (y/n)'s joke has a hint of what she desires. To just disappear. "Of course not! How will I and Gon ever survive without you." He rubs his neck and looks away with a blush, "Besides it's okay to be clumsy sometimes, let's go and clean you up shall we?"

There were times where she messed up on a mission. Her mistakes drove her crazy.

"I'm so stupid! I'm sorry guys! They got away cause I wasn't careful." (Y/n) kept on squeezing her wrist tightly in frustration. Killua placed a hand on her agitated one, "Don't worry. It's okay!" Gon nods his head with a smile and a thumbs-up, "Killua's right Mistakes happen! Let's go get 'em!" She gave a slight smile, but she still bit her cheek. After they both turned away, her eyes would go into self-hatred, listing off the flaws little and mistakes. Those mistakes and flaws tormented her and labeled her. The blindness of self-hatred kept her from seeing her accomplishments and how she brings light to other's lives.

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