・Request ~ Illumi x Fem! Reader x Hisoka (Soulmate AU)・

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Request for RavenQueen1414

I am back from my vacation :) so now I can write again. I never wrote a soulmate AU before and I barely read them, but I will try. I did not know how to end it, so we kind of have a rough landing. I tried my best to really have interactions between Illumi, Hisoka, and the reader, so, leave any tips or advice in the comments if needed. Anyways, ignoring all that, I hope you enjoy it! :))


I woke up with a rapid jolt. The night was still present, but a new thought has possessed my mind. Is that the dream that everybody talks about once they turn 20? The dream about your soulmate. You get to feel their presence, hear the voice, but you cannot see their face. People always mentioned that there is a white veil or some kind of bright light that keeps you from seeing your soulmate's face. You can feel them, hold their hand, ask them what their name is, anything, but see their face.

It's like life wants to make it difficult to find your soulmate. A soulmate. Someone that is the ONE. The one to be there for the rest of your life, to understand you and take care of you. Someone who shines your whole world when it's nighttime and shields you from the sun's heat in the daytime. The one... but what if there are two?

I rub my head as my vision unblurs itself to the moonlit room. I calm my breaths, taking in deep ones and breathing them out. Why do I have two? There were two of them. Both of them were tall and... ah, I can't really remember. I lay back on my pillows, covering my eyes with my arm.

I can remember a tree and all three of us stood there, trying to figure out what's going on. It was like we're on a small island, floating on top of clouds. It was calming, but also has this taint nostalgic feeling like I've seen it before.


"Is this the soulmate dream everybody is always talking about? If that is so, I rather die than have you as my soulmate Hisoka." A soft, yet kind of deep voice caught my attention. The one in green points to another one who has one of their hands on their hips, sarcasm laces their deep voice. "A shame, but we're not the only ones here, Illumi." The one who has his hands on his hips points to me. The other one has long black hair that flows whenever his head moves, "Ah is that so? Don't tell me we have to share a soulmate." The other one shrugged, "My, my~ Guess we do."

The one with long black hair holds out his hands, "Can you hear our conversation? You aren't just someone we made up, right? You're someone who exists in real life?" I was scared of saying anything, but I still reached out my hand anyway. When I touched their fingers, I was ecstatic. It was warm, as if we were really there, standing in front of this tall tree with a burst of green leaves in the middle of floating clouds.

"You're... really real... you're really here?" "Of course we are." I felt someone touched my head. It was the other one who is called Hisoka by Illumi. "This soulmate dream is quite amusing." He chimes, "Say, what's your name?" "(Y/n)." I answered, "(Y/n)... (L/n)."

"My soulmate had a nice name. She also sounds shy." Illumi says with straightforward honesty. "If this a soulmate dream, then why are there two of you?" I asked them with hesitance in my voice." They stayed quiet for a moment. All we can hear is the low wind and the rustling leaves that shake with it.

"Maybe it's just fate," Hisoka spoke up. "I guess so." I agreed, did life really just assigned me two soulmates? I guess so. Does that mean we're all soulmates? Maybe. "(Y/n), what are you like?" The other one asks. "Well, I like..."

And that is where our conversation begins. It was memorable because they made me feel like somebody. I was a traveler who has nobody, escaping death so many times and try to make enough money to eat. I wanted to explore the world, but my parents didn't think I had it in me. Feeling rebellious, I tried to talk both of them into supporting me. They both were as stubborn, forcing me to take a job as a clothing designer, saying it would fit a lady like me. One day, I messed up big time, accidentally disrespecting a high-class woman who disrespected me first. It got my family a bad reputation and I was kicked from the house.

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