Awkward x Comfort ・Illumi ・

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I  stare at my grandfather's photo with blank eyes. My grandfather was the chairman of the Hunter Association, Netero. He recently died, but he did the best for humanity. If he was here right now, I would tell him that I was proud and I would tell him he was the best grandfather out there. He took care of me when I was abandoned and I'm so grateful for that. I hug the photo close to my chest and look up at the sky. It was cloudy. Guess it's going to rain soon...

Right now I am at the Zoldyck Manor in the middle of the forest. Zeno Zoldyck and grandfather are good friends so the Zoldycks takes care of me. They usually nice, but they are all assassins. I grew up with Illumi here so basically he's the one I'm closest to right now... Even though he's blank all the time... and kills people... Honestly, my feelings about Illumi are weird...

Speaking of Illumi, I wonder what he's doing? I stare at my silly grandfather doing the peace sign with me doing the same as a young child. I smile sadly, "I hope you're doing well..." Then a droplet splash on the picture. "Huh?" I gaze up into the sky and the sky starts crying. Sorry sky...

I miss you so much, grandfather Netero... Soon enough, I start crying in the sky too. Luckily the photo was framed. I sigh and hug it again with tears still running down my cheeks. My clothes start getting damp and my hair starts sticking to my face.

All of a sudden, the rain suddenly stops hitting me, but at the same time, it's still raining. "I look up at the sky, or should I say umbrella? "Illumi?" "I was looking for you." He pulls me up as he hold the umbrella over us. "What are you doing out here by yourself?" He then turns his gaze down at the photo, "Oh?" He then looks up at my face and with his blank eyes, he caught me crying. He takes a deep sigh and grab my arm, "You're going to get sick, come." He drops the umbrella and picks me up. Wait- HE PICKED ME UP!? Um... This is totally not weird at all... right??

At quick speeds, he jumps into the tree. The branches block the rain as we sat down on a thick branch of the tree. Not to mention we were really high. This is a pretty tall tree I can see everything... It's quite beautiful. Illumi sits next to me with a stoic and quiet aura. So... he's just going to watch me mope or...

I turn my gaze to him while hugging the photo. Even though he's an assassin, he's quite... er handsome? He was looking at the landscape before turning to look at me. Shoot! I got caught!

I turn away quickly, hiding my face. Oh, who am I kidding? He's a whole assassin, he's going to know anyway! "(Y/n)." He calls out my name in a solid, blank, tone. It was so sudden, I almost fell off the branch. "Y-yes..."

"Are you still sad." He asks me, still gazing at the wet landscape. I thought about it for a moment, "Yea..." It's the truth. I am upset about losing my grandfather. He was so derpy, but also hardworking... Illumi sighs and turns towards me, "What do I need to do to make you alright again?" Is Illumi really that worried about me? I thought he only cares about Killua... Well in a bad way at least...

"I don't really need anything. I guess..." I can't believe I'm going to say this... "I guess you being here with me is enough." Illumi is just quiet... This is getting a little too awkward. I shouldn't have said that... Maybe I should just apologize, that did come out of the blue.

"Ilum- eh." I felt something pat my back. My heart sped up as I turn my head. Illumi was facing away from me, propping his chin in his hand. His risen knee supported his elbow. The rain got lighter all the sudden. I-Is he trying to comfort me? I'm surprised, but at the same time, this awkward form of comfort, helps me feel better. Illumi's such a weird guy, hehe.

Scooting closer to him, I lay my head on his shoulder, "Are you trying to comfort me Illumi?" I can feel his head turning and looking down at me, "Of course, I am. What do you think I'm doing?" I giggle, "You're so awkward when it comes to these things you know?" "Oh-" I heard him say.

I couldn't help but let out another giggle, "At least... you're smiling..." Heh- What-

I feel the butterflies in my chest acting crazy, fluttering their wings, and ticking my heart. The warmth of my cheeks begins to rise. I sit back up and stare at Illumi. "S-so, you just wanted to make me smile...?" Illumi stares back at me with his stoic porcelain face, "I guess, I do..." He turns to look at the landscape again. The clouds are starting to part as the sunrays burst through it, "I guess I like seeing you smile." The side of his lips curls up. The wind rushes through us, knocking his silky, black hair back. The smell of the rain made a calming environment as the water drips from the wet leaves in the trees. Everything just starts to glow and it just felt... right.

Is Grandpa Netero blessing me right now or like am I dreaming? What's going on? Illumi never did something like this before... or maybe... he hid this side of him? Either way... I like it... I like it a lot...

"Thank you, Illumi. I feel a lot better now..." I take a deep breath, smelling the after rain. "Can we stay out here... a bit longer?" I join him in viewing the landscape. "Of course..." I lay my head on his shoulder again, knowing that, even though Illumi is awkward, I'm glad he is by my side to comfort me.

The End


I feel that Illumi would be awkward in these types of situations lolol. What do you guys think of Illumi? I was scared of him at first because I mean... he transformed himself into this weird looking person and boom! He pulls the pins out and all of a sudden he has elegant and silky hair. He's a manipulative person so I feel kinda iffy bout him. PROTECT KILLUA! Anyways, this scenario is short, but I hope you all like it! Thanks for reading!


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