・Request ~ Chrollo x Female Reader・

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After all these requests in my box, I will take a break a bit before getting back to requests. Thank you all for requesting <3

Request for otaku84

I hope I wrote the nen ability decently, enjoy! You never mention if the relationship is platonic or romantic, so I just kind of mix both of them in? I don't know, but I hope it's to your liking.

L/n - last name


A snap of a stick can be heard in the middle of the night, bringing awareness to the Phantom Troupe meeting in the forest.

All their heads turn to the slight sound that has interrupted a silent thought of the spiders.  They start getting ready to pounce any moment. A pest has landed on their webs so it seems.

"Whoever is out there..." Nobunaga presses on the hilt of his katana, "Come out." His voice was laced with venom. The wind responds, which didn't satisfy the spiders. "We know you are there. Come out, and maybe you can survive." Chrollo's voice cuts through the empty response. Despite saying these words, the spiders had someone eavesdrop on their meeting, meaning valuable information was heard, therefore, the suspect would not live to see another day.

Some leaves were trampled as a person in a black cloak slowly inches out of the darkness. Their gloved hands are up as the moonlight reveals their body. "I-I mean no harm. In fact-" Uvogin didn't let the person finish talking as he immediately threw a power punch towards their way, "Aha! There is nothing left for you to say!" The punch made some surroundings trees topple over like a bunch of legos, creating dust that blind everyone.

Once the dust clears, a crater was made, but no blood was shed. "You really shouldn't try fighting someone when they are talking you know?" (Y/n) appears among the trees behind them, standing on the branches with her hand holding the limb of the tree for support. No words were said as Nobunaga appears behind (y/n) with great speed as if he teleported right there. "Whoopsie." (Y/n) lets got of her support of the bark, ducking down to grasp the branch of the tree. Doing this, she does a somersault off the branch, falling down and landing with grace. Nobunaga ends up giving the branch a haircut instead as (y/n) eyes the Phantom Troupe, especially the leader who is standing in the middle.

"Can we just... talk it out?" Chrollo closes his eyes and sighs, "Fine." He opens them again with, smiling, "My apologies for acting irrationally," He takes one hand of his pockets, gesturing (y/n) to say what she has in mind with calmness. The Phantom Troupe was still tense, still glaring, and ready to strike at any moment. (Y/n) sighs out of relief, muttering a finally as she claps her hands together. Her guard goes down, trusting Chrollo's charismatic words for reasons that will be soon uncovered.

"So... you must know a person by the name of-" Chrollo gives Feitan a look, giving him the signal to get rid of this intruder on the web. (Y/n) just wanted to finish a goddamn sentence, but no. Predators never give their prey a chance to say their last words before feasting down on them anyways. Feitan takes no hesitation as he lunges forward towards (y/n) who has a look of disappointment and annoyance on her face. Feitan strike with his hand that was wrapped with nen. (Y/n) grits her teeth, trying to bounce back but his speed surpasses her own as his hands dig right into the side of her stomach.

She lets out a grunt, suppressing her screams of pain that is rushing throughout her body. Sweat begins to form as the unbearable burning pain on her stomach erupts. She grunts, her eyes losing vision. Her legs shaking a little as she grabs on Feitan's wrist, digging her nails in it, causing it to bleed. The blood trails down her hand. She sighs, chuckling a little, "How did mom ever work with you?" Her brows furrow together, "Guess I have no choice."

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