・Request ~ Father Illumi x Daughter Reader x Father Hisoka・PLATONIC

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Going to make this clear that this is entirely platonic, thank you :)

Also Happy Halloween! Stay safe out there and have fun. >:)

Request from: DUMBG0GY

Hope you like it and I know I apologize to every requester, but I'm sorry for taking a millennium.

Sypnosis: (Y/n) is a young girl who was abandoned in the forest right when she was out of the womb. Her father didn't want a child, but he didn't want to leave his wife either. So without his wife knowing, he took her child and left the baby in the forest, hoping that the wolves would eat her, but the wolves did the opposite. While the father is comforting the mother with a cheap story of why her baby has gone missing, the wolves tried their best to raise this human girl. The wolves, deep down, could feel this girl's innocence and didn't see her as potential dinner. They saw her as a potential family. As the girl grew up older, news of a child injuring hunters to defend her wolf family spread across cities and towns, and came across two men who took interest in raising the girl.

Yes (y/n) is kinda based on Razor from Genshin Impact. Razor is just so adorable ahfahfba I cant. Anyways, on with the story.


"Men. Fast. Scary." I could barely say the human language. I was 8 at that time and I was scared. I whispered those 3 words to my wolf pack in a dark and cramp cave. It was still comforting... I remember. I dealt with many hunters who have tried to kill my wolf family, but these two were strong. At that age, I noticed how they blocked all my kicks and scratches with such ease. When I look at them, those two men scared me. So I ran back into the forest and told my wolf pack. These two I can't handle. I was sure we were doomed.

My wolf family... ah yes... The wolf family that raised me when humans couldn't. I had this one master, who taught me a few words and a few nen tricks, but left after that. I never got my master's name. I just knew to refer to him as master as he instructed. He was fairly strict, but at the same time, he was nice, but he didn't stay for long. Always traveling.

It was dark and eerily quiet outside with the moon hiding behind the clouds. The thick forest with its thick and dark leaves made the darkness more suffocating. Tonight, the wind howls instead of the wolves, who are keeping guard at the cave. Two hunters. Two strong hunters. I knew that they weren't like the other weak hunters. These are those Hunters. The hunters that do more than hunting or should I say, hunt more than what usual hunter needs?

I heard the leader of the pack growled lowly as footsteps on crunching leaves echoed in the air. I covered my mouth. The littlest pup cuddled in next to me and my oversize dressing shirt I stole from an ambushing hunter. It smells of cigars and late-night alcohol drinks, but it shielded me from the biting cold of nature.

"Well well, it is true. The girl who was raised by wolves." A low voice said. It was a nice voice, but it carried something dangerous. The front wolves along with the leader growled at the entrance, glaring at the two men. "Where is the girl?" I saw a dark figure at the entrance squat down. I could tell he had long hair. "Come out now. No one will hurt you." The wolves growled at them again, bearing their sharp teeth. "Oh my..." The other said. "We have no choice, but to kill a couple of wolves I guess."

Back then, I barely understood human language, but I understood kill and wolves. I just couldn't let that happen. So, even when my heart was beating out of my chest uncontrollably, I crawled out of the cave with hesitance. I squeezed through the fur of the wolves even though the mama wolf tried to pull the sleeve of the dirty dressing shirt I was wearing, whimpering not to, but I can't let my wolf pack die because I was afraid.

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