First x Love ・Kurapika・

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Hello guys! Welcome to the first scenario with Kurapika! I'm going to start off with a cute scenario of (y/n) and Kurapika in their childhood days where the clan was still alive. I will start off with a short chapter for you. I really hope you guys enjoy and I will see you at the end! (Picture is from the Anime)


"Kurapika! Kurapika!" Pairo and (y/n) rushed towards him excitedly with a book in one of their hands. "Hey Kurapika! Can you pleasseeee read us this book! We heard it's really good!" Pairo raised the book to Kurapika with little stars in his eyes. "Oh! Of course I will." Kurapika smiled while taking a closer look at the book title. "Knight's First Love"
"Yes! Thank you so much Kurapika!" (Y/n) jumped up and down grabbing on to Kurapika's arm with glee. "Mhm! No problem!" He giggled at their upbeat faces and led them to a good place to read and that was under a big shady tree.

They sat their bottoms on the nice grassy area that is shaded by a big tree. They are near the forest that is full of critters. "You guys comfortable?" Kurapika asked looking at them both. "Yes!" They both responded with the same enthusiasm as they huddle near Kurapika. He opens the royal blue covers of the book, revealing the contents. "Alright, let's start." (Y/n) brought her arms around his stomach and lay her head on his shoulders, while Pairo wraps his arms around Kurapika's, leaning in to see the book,

"Chapter 1: The Cold Knight Introduction..."
"There was once a knight who's heart is cold as ice. He doesn't know how to feel emotions anymore-. He remembers the days where he did have emotions, back in his past, where his home village was thriving and joyful. He would feel happy when he plays with his buddies, sad when his mom scolds him for not being careful, mad when things don't go his way. He missed all of it. His emotions all the sudden disappears after his happy village of the people he knew and love all perished in the middle of the war they had no part of... The War of Merin." Everybody died and he was the only survivor. His heart filled with rage and anger as he wanted to get revenge against the two kingdoms that brought his innocent village into chaos, but he couldn't. For he was only just one person. He became a knight for one of the kingdoms that brought harm to his village... Lomare. As he trained, he starts losing his emotions, even the revenge inside of him died out. He no longer have something to live for anymore. Why should he fight against a powerful kingdom for a village that doesn't exist anymore? A village that will never come back, even if he did get the revenge he yearned for. He got lost in the void of emptiness, as he drifts far from himself, but... little does he knows... a weird girl he met, saved him from the void."

"Wow! That's so sad. I hope that will never happen to me." Pairo shuddered as he squeezed Kurapika's arm. "I wondered how the weird girl saves him!" (y/n) wondered and she glanced up at Kurapika. "Maybe with her weirdness, like you." Kurapika teased with a smirk. She pouted and crossed her arms. "I'm not THAT weird!" Pairo laughed, "It's funny to see you two teased each other like a couple!" "WHAT! No way Pairo!" (y/n) blabbered out waving her arms. "Come on Kurapika read the next part!" Pairo puts a hand on the book. "Alright, continuing..."

"Chapter 2: The Weird Girl..."
"There was a known weird girl in the kingdom of Lomare. Her ways are always unusual,  but she was always nice to others with a warm smile. The people find her weird, but they respected her and her weirdness. Rumors flying around the villages always goes, "I heard she didn't have parents and came out of the forest at 4-year-olds!" "What if she's a missing girl located in another village?" "She could be raised by wolfs!"
People don't know where she comes from but she makes the village more joyful. "Hellooooo Professor Leon! How is your day!" She skips by with a basket full of... rocks. "Oh hello Milla. My day is great so far, but isn't that basket of rocks heavy?" "Nope! Anyways, I hope the rest of your day goes well! Bye!" She skips off with her messy locks of hair and rocks. "Hehe, what a young lady she is." Professor Leon chuckles and went back to work. "Oi Weirdo!" "Oh hey, Carlos!" Milla gives him energetic waves. "What are you going to do with that whole basket of rocks?" "Oh these? I am going to make a mini house for a bunch of mouses with these rocks!" She says excitedly holding up the basket. "Alright weirdo, but letting you know that mouses can make their own homes." Carlos crosses his arms. "Well these mouses don't, bye Carlos!" She skips off while Carlos shakes his head in disbelief. She skips off, with no idea what's going to happen next..."

"Hahahaha! That reminds me of (y/n)." Kurapika laughed loudly holding his stomach. "H-hey! I don't do that!" She stammered and punched Kurapika softly on the arms. "What if the weird girl made the knight fall in love with her? Just like how (y/n) made-" "M-maybe the weird girl did! Hahaha!" Kurapika puts his hand over Pairo's mouth and laughs nervously. (Y/n) crooked her eyebrows and give him a puzzled look. "What was that at the end?" "N-nothing!" Pairo lied and changed the subject. "Let's read one last chapter Kurapika!" "Agreed!" Kurapika quickly flipped to the next chapter.

"Chapter 3: Shadow Danger!!"
"Milla skips towards the forest where her mouse friends lived with no shelter. She places the basket down by a big, hollow, old tree with her 3 mouse friends, Minnie, Mickey, and Mimi. "Hey... come out little fellas! Let's build your home." She calls out to them and with that, the 3 mice scurries out one by one. "Thank you so much, Milla!" One of the mouses thanks her with glee. "Yes! We would be living in fear without you!" Another raises its arms like he's a big scary monster. "Milla! Milla! Milla!" The last one cheers. Milla giggles at their squeaky voices and reaches in for a rock. "I figure this one should be the base to your stable home!" She says placing the huge rock next to the creatures. "Wooow!" the mice starts hopping around and observing the big rock, while an unknown shadow creature prey upon them. "That girl sure looks like she can be a feast and those little mice can serve me as a snack! Hehehehehe!" The shadow creature mumbles in delight as his stomach growls."

"I hope Milla and the 3 mice are safe!" Pairo says with worry in his voice. "Me too..." Kurapika turned the page and continued.

"Back in the village, the cold knight was leading a patrol squad through it to check for its safety, because people have been whispering about the appearance of a dangerous shadow beast that roams deep in the forest. "Sir Kira! We learned some bad news!" One of the knights rushes towards the leader frantically. "What is it," Kira asks in his hollow and husky voice. "S-sir. Some villagers reported to have seen a young lady name Milla to be heading towards the forest." The young knight informs. Kira eyes laid on the forest ahead. "Then we must get there before she gets hurt." He orders and the squad rushes to the forest on their horses. As they enter the forest, the squad heard a terrifying screech. The screeches rang through Kira's ears as he dashes away from group with instinct. There, a fallen girl, huddle on the floor as the shadow creature rises above her. "Hey, over here!" Kira draws out his sharp sword and charges towards the beast. "Huh?" The Shadow creature looks over, only to be stabbed by the long sword, held by the cold knight. The shadow beast drops to the ground and its shadows fade away. Kira puts the sword back to where it belongs and look down at the fearful girl. He reaches out a hand, "Hey. You oka-" "Thank you! Thank you so much!" Milla cries, wrapping her arms around her savior. "Er-" He stands there in shock, unable to move. Milla looks at him with a sniffy nose, "Thank you, sir!" His heart starts doing something weird, almost as it's bursting open. "Y-yea." What is this feeling?"

"That. Was. Amazing!!!" (Y/n) jumped in the air and squealed. "Thank god..." Pairo put a hand to his heart. Kurapika gazed at the sunset, "We should get home." Kurapika said as he stood up and stretched off his stiff back. "Alright!" Both of them shouted. "Hey Kurapika! You can be (y/n)'s knight because she made you fall in lo-" "Hahahaha! Pairo! What are you talking about..." Kurapika interrupted Pairo with nervous laughter. "Yes! Kurapika be my knight!" (y/n) beamed with her eyes lit up. "See Kurapika~" "P-Pairo! Anyways let's go home!" Kurapika takes both of their hands and walked them back to their peaceful clan. "Kurapika's first love, hehe..." Pairo giggled under his breath while Kurapika's cheeks shined red.

The End!


You made it to the end! Yay! I hope you guys like this cute scenario of Kurapika and a bonus Pairo! The story, "Knight's First Love", is made up by me. Thank you for reading and I will see you next story! Bye readers!  ('')


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