Chapter 5: Bet

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Similarly to Yeji, Ryujin received an interesting call. It was one from her own manager, the individual responsible for relaying the exciting piece of information to her, the news that will fill the blonde with joy— or it would've if her fun wasn't ruined directly after the mentioned good news.

Just as quickly as she became happy, she became upset. She hoped somehow, someway her manager heard the name utterly wrong or that there was a slight misunderstanding in part of the message because she found it hard to believe that out of all people her costar would be the Hwang Yeji. This couldn't be true. She dreaded the thought, the idea. She'd rather anyone else play the role.

Ryujin wouldn't call herself religious but that didn't stop her from silently praying every few minutes that she'd wake up from this brutal nightmare. She couldn't bear waiting until tomorrow. There was no way in hell she was going to be able to sleep properly tonight without knowing for a fact if the name was heard and said correctly. She desperately had to know before the introduction meeting would take place later on the next morning. Thus, she did what she disliked most and contacted Yeji, suggesting they meet up soon.

She had a little trouble with that, considered just asking Yeji the question through text or a simple phone call, but those options came with a risk if she couldn't see Yeji's face. Ryujin didn't want to risk getting a sarcastic answer or a no that's purposely told to leave her in shock tomorrow— Actually, if it were true, if this nightmare proved to be more real than she'd prefer it to be, she wondered if the particular Hwang already knew...

Still, regardless of the truth, Ryujin set out on the road to meet the person at the spot she designated herself, not giving the other much of an option in the choice of where they'd hold their talk. It didn't matter where they met really, but this place gave off good vibes. The cafe instilled a sense of comfort rather than chills down her spine (like this reality she's still hoping is nothing more than a bad dream) and that was more than enough to counter what's presently happening.

Surely there was a reason why it resonated with her so well, provided her an emotional contentment whenever she was stressed with her life, but she wasn't sure why yet. It's simply been her spot for years.

Ryujin arrived on the scene first, as predicted, and sat at a table outside. She preferred fresh air, a natural breeze versus the air conditioning inside, finding that it was just too cold for her liking. She considered what Yeji might prefer as well, but seeing as the other woman showed up in a fit that implied she had been doing some sort of physical workout, assumably dance, perhaps the air conditioning wasn't desired. Then again, who is she to know Yeji's preferences anyway?

"Hi." Ryujin greeted. It came out kind, gentle, but only out of respect since she's the one who set this up. "Are you okay with sitting outside?"

"Do I really have a choice?" Yeji set down her keys and phone on the table, then leaned back against her chair, cheek pressed against her fist, clearly in a mood for unknown reasons to the person across from her.

"Grumpy much?"

"I'm tired and you have yet to say what this is about." The oldest sighed, one mixed with a slight yawn. It made Ryujin laugh internally, not wanting to let her amusement show in hopes that this all pans out smoothly.

"Do you want a coffee?"

"Is that you offering to buy me one?" Yeji raised a brow, causing the latter to raise both of her own, and she tilted her head confused, almost like a puppy despite her cat-like features. "What did you drag me out here to talk about?"

"Correction. I didn't drag you. I invited you." Ryujin countered with her arms crossed, overlapping each other. "You came here willingly."

"Maybe, but I'm already starting to regret it."

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