Chapter 8: Baby Steps

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This is a little late, sorry...

The actresses were currently in the car on their way to work. After that dreaded night, Yeji offered Ryujin a ride as payment for the meal she received. Therefore, for the past several days (roughly about a week), they've unconsciously set up a routine where one drives one day and vice versa, essentially taking turns.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive?"

"I offered. I drive."

"But you look... I don't know, dead?" The blonde noticeably stared closer, inspecting Yeji's face as she leaned across the middle console, obstructing the driver's view of the road in front of them. This was okay since the car was parked in front of a convenience store just down the road from the hotel they stayed in. "Yeah, definitely dead. Almost zombie-like."

"Could you back up?" Yeji practically demanded as she rubbed her drowsy eyes right before pressing her palm against Ryujin's forehead, deliberately pushing the other woman out of her personal bubble. The latter was too close for comfort.

Ryujin didn't react horribly, though. Alternatively, she leaned her back against the car door, seatbelt already unlatched. "Are you sure you don't want me to drive?"

"I'm sure."

"What time did you even get back last night?"

"Doesn't matter." The oldest shook her head, sensing the first signs of a troubling headache forming soon. Whether that was because of Ryujin's persistent questioning, or simply her lack of rest, or perhaps even due to her insane truckload of stress, she had no idea. "You're really good at annoying people, you know that?"

"So I'm told... But you know what else is annoying?" Ryujin clicked her tongue, tilted her head to the left, leaving no room for Yeji's input. "You're so secretive."

"I'm not secretive. You just don't need to know. Must you poke your nose where it's not wanted?"

"If I feel the need to, then yes." Ryujin donned a smug grin while Yeji frowned, very much annoyed. Call her grumpy, or grouchy, or whatever. That would be correct, and she was in no mood to play the teasing, irritating game that her co-star oh-so desired to start. Because of this, they seemed to be having some kind of staring contest going on, one who's confused and one who's determined.

"Can you hurry up and get what you need?" Yeji motioned to the entrance of the store. "We don't need to be late because of you."

"Need I remind you that I'm the reason you're not late?" Ryujin chuckled as she exited the car, not sticking around for a response because she knew it was true. Had she not woke the other up, had she left the hotel without her, Yeji would've never made it on time, and chaos would ensue.

If Ryujin had to be honest, something in particular bothered her, like a lot. Yeji had been quite abnormal recently ever since that night. Sure, it was sort of nice to not be bickering every waking moment, but it wasn't pleasant to not be at all, either.

There was no fun, no satisfaction, not just in being able to tease but also with getting teased back. There were no sassy remarks, no witty comments, and Ryujin knew it had to do with whatever that man said to her, not to mention the fact that her own name was thrown into the mix. She'd love to know how she's indirectly involved with the physical abuse towards her co-star. Over the past few days, it made her feel... guilty?

Ryujin had been nicer as of late. Intentionally, of course. It wasn't hard to. It's not like it's not in her nature to be. She just always got a kick out of messing with Yeji, something she initially assumed to be based on a hatred that genuinely no longer existed, one of which died out before she realized it. However, even if her hatred was gone, Yeji's seemed to be alive and thriving.

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