Chapter 12: Uncertainty

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"What the hell is this?"

She stared harder, blinked a few times, even went as far as to turn her phone off and back on just to ensure the post's existence. It was no fluke, nor a weird figment of her imagination, and it sure didn't feel like a dream either (she pinched herself thrice to be sure). Yeji didn't intend to catch Ryujin's attention with this post, but it seemed that was the result.

Ryujin double-checked the time, wondering if Rosé was still there. She couldn't be sure, but she did remember the texts saying she and Lisa were going to stop by, those being messages she didn't see until later on into the night while she hung out with San.

"It's past midnight, though." She attempted to reason, tell herself that there was no need to head over there. Still, the latter won. She couldn't pretend that she wasn't a little concerned. She didn't know how Yeji behaved while drunk, but she sure knew how her sister and Lisa got. That knowledge in itself left plenty of room for concern.

While on the way there, Ryujin speculated how it got that far, how what was only supposed to be the teaching of dance moves turned into a drinking party of three. Whatever the reason, in the end, she concluded that just because Yeji didn't get along with her didn't mean she couldn't get along with Rosé.


She must've spent what felt likes years waiting at the door for someone to open it, but no one did. While it could've easily crossed her mind that whoever was inside is asleep, she preferred to think about Lisa's car still in the driveway and focus on the hazards that came as a package deal with the clumsy drunks inside her co-star's home.

She considered phoning either of the individuals she knew were presently inside, but something convinced her to turn the knob, and so she did. Amazed to see it turn with ease, she stepped inside, ready to scold every single person for not ensuring their safety by locking said entrance.

The front door locked now, she wandered over to the main area where everyone would convene. She was immediately welcomed with a passed-out sister resting her head on Lisa's lap, who appeared to be asleep as well, judging by how far back her head was tilted with her mouth open. At least that meant they were okay, but that still left Yeji—

"I don't recall inviting you back."

"You should lock your front door then." The blonde eyed her co-star up and down. She could smell the liquor, see two empty bottles and some scattered cups. It was obvious what happened here. "I see you've been drinking."

Yeji ignored her statement. "You better not have been with my brother."

"And if I was?"

Directly after the words left her mouth, Ryujin mentally facepalmed herself for instinctively taunting the latter, acting on impulse, not genuinely intending to touch up on their little argument from the previous morning. Shockingly, Yeji hadn't responded to the bait. Instead, she narrowed her eyes and shakily hopped off the counter.

Ryujin noticed immediately how wobbly the girl's first step was, not to mention how tight the latter gripped the counter, almost as if it meant life or death. The woman's footsteps were more like a hop on one foot, too unsteady to be balanced. Usually, when someone is drunk, they still use both feet.

Yeji wasn't.

As quick as she could, she rushed forward when there was no longer any counter space for the other to hold onto, steadying Yeji by holding onto her waist. "Why the hell are you walking like that???"

"I think I sprained it. That or it might be broken." Yeji giggled and leaned forward, arms dangling over Ryujin's shoulders. "Who knows. Who cares."

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