Chapter 14: Hate Me

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It has been two tiring, long weeks since the day Yeji decided she would take control of her feelings by putting a stop to the person causing them. Because of what today was, because of the scene they were shooting, an idea had already brewed in her mind.

Initially, Yeji tried to convince herself that Ryujin was only nice because of her injury, but then she realized Ryujin was mainly friendly the entire week before that, indicating that the reason was different from anticipated. She still didn't know why, but what she did know is that this couldn't work.

It wouldn't.

Whether it be one-sided in the future or not didn't matter. They couldn't be together even if Yeji dared to pursue it (not that she did). She didn't want to blatantly disrespect her stepdad. He may be harsh, but he's done a lot for her, and that sole purpose is the bit of information Yeji decided to focus on, perhaps to spare herself the emotions that come as a package deal with it.

Whatever the reason, she listened to him, and he took advantage of that. Hence the reason for him favoriting Yeji and nitpicking how she lived her life.

Most people would never guess he was her father or any of her sibling's father for that matter. Mr. Park didn't share the same last name as them. It was annoying if she had to admit, revealing how he gave them and her single mother a home, explaining how her mom died two years into the relationship, how custody of the siblings fell onto him with no other family around to claim them. She doesn't remember when she grew tired of correcting people when they used the term 'father,' because truthfully, her other dad wasn't around, nowhere to be found.

Mr. Park might as well be her father. Yeji assumed that if it weren't for his generosity in the beginning, then she wouldn't be where she is today.

While Yeji was trapped in her thoughts, the young Shin lingered around the hospital's lobby, observing the woman from afar as the latter was led toward the elevator, needing to go up a few floors to film her solo shot. This meant that Ryujin would likely have to wait around for at least an hour before the script demanded her character's appearance. At least the weather outside was soothing, the faint sound of raindrops relaxing her nerves for now.

This scene was about Yeji's character confessing her love toward Ryujin's character in an attempt to save what was lost. Ryujin's character was still supposed to behave cold and bothered, not welcoming.

That was hard for Ryujin to do when it was the opposite of how she felt. In fact, she would admit that she would've had such a performance nailed during the first week of filming. Still, she'd give it her best shot because it involved Lucy persisting a talk with Joanne, and she didn't want Yeji to get hurt and more during acting.

—🎬 START 🎬—

Lucy had a visit with the doctor. She remembered every detail of it clearly. After all, it was hard to forget. How does one disregard the fact that they have at most a few months to live??

No matter how long, forgetting that would be impossible. She knew her days were numbered, knew that this kind of news would reach her ears someday. The first time she found out she had a brain tumor, she was told she had about two years of life left, three if she were lucky.

It was the scariest news ever, the purpose behind her motive to leave as soon as she can in order to get away from Joanne. The last thing she wanted was to break someone's heart in a way she could never fix.

But lately, she's felt different. Recently, knowing Joanne was within arms reach, she's wanted to act. What's more selfish? Leaving without telling Joanne she's dangerously sick? Or rekindling a friendship without telling Joanne she's dangerously sick? Whatever the case, Lucy had already done the first, and she found it hard to resist doing the second.

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