Chapter 7: It Begins (Part 2)

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Hi! Brief explanation here...
Scenes for the movie they're filming are signaled with this "🎬" emoji in the center of the page. The same emoji will be visible when the particular scene ends. What's important about these movie scenes is how they make either Ryujin, Yeji, or both of them feel. Inevitably, all that is pretend is what changes their views of each other. However, because this fic requires me to come up with two stories at once, I decided the "acting" parts will be as brief as possible and only describe certain parts in detail.

A character's feelings will be off to the right side like this when it's during a scene. It'll break off from what's happening so you know how either of them is thinking while the scene takes place.

Whereas anything happening in the scene will be off to the left side like this. To make this less confusing, everyone's names in the movie (like Lucy, Joanne, Daniel, etc.) will be used to describe these actions and thoughts.

If I made it sound confusing, I promise it's really easy to follow. It'll make sense when you see it. Anyways, I'll stop now.

"Have you had enough time to read over this scene? How about rehearsals?"

"Yes to the reading part. As for rehearsals... " Yeji briefly turned to Ryujin whereas the blonde merely peeked at her through the corner of her eye. "Not exactly."

"I see." The director grabbed his chin, rubbing his beard for a few moments before continuing. He seemed to be in deep thought, leaving room for an awkward silence to fill the air around them. "For future reference, I do expect you two to cooperate if we are to take on what I have envisioned. You're talented actresses, so please set your differences aside for the sake of your careers."

"Yes, sir." Ryujin spoke, leaving Yeji beside her to wonder if she actually meant that answer or was just telling the director what he wanted to hear.

"Did you really mean that?" The orange-haired woman questioned, eyeing her co-star peculiarly. She could only listen since the younger hadn't bothered to spare her a glance.

"Of course. This job kind of depends on it."

"You and that attitude— "

"Get used to it." Ryujin tauntingly puckered her lips, winked, and wandered off toward where the hair and makeup crew resided.

Yeji followed several minutes later, taking her time to talk to the staff around the area and get to know some people. She was always like this, always wanting to familiarize herself with those she'd be working with. The same could be said for her co-star that walked off. The only notable difference is that Ryujin would normally interact with those she ran into often.

As Yeji wandered around, she took note of where they are, striving to remember the different areas of this building that she was allowed to be around. The set was set in a real hospital rather than just a bunch of props put together, making her realize she'll actually see sick patients around here and there. The use of the hospital for their scenes was the whole reason the came to Daejeon.

Sometime during her little journey around, her phone pinged a few times. She ignored it for a while because technically speaking, she's at work. It wasn't until she was sitting in a chair with the makeup artist in front of her touching up certain areas that her device chimed multiple times, implying a sense of urgency.

Yeji regretted it instantly, though, when she read the text from her father. It was unsettling, an unwanted consequence of her recent choices that she didn't want to put up with it. With worried eyes, she set her phone down after replying, choosing to focus solely on the task at hand, which is completing today's scenes.

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