Chapter 32: Love (?)

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Ryujin is currently right outside her partner's house, her brain actively overflowing with incredibly abstruse thoughts and mentally pacing as her fingers drum against the center of the steering wheel, mind questioning if this is a safe idea. Second-guessing has seemingly become second nature to her today, nearly barring her promise to take Yeji out on a picnic. Still, the commitment has already been made. She can't go against her word, especially not when it's Yeji, and definitely not when it's her special someone's birthday.

It takes a while, but eventually, Ryujin forces herself out of her vehicle and wanders up the driveway. Immediately, her attention is split, and she notices the door is slightly open. Any of the neighborhood's residents might be wondering why the young Shin is engaging in an intense staring contest with a door, but its openness incites much room for concern. She would consider Yeji might be outside if she believed there was a chance she didn't notice her, except Ryujin's positive she would've known if she saw her girlfriend waltzing around out here given how long she's been around herself, not to mention Yeji would've acknowledged her as well. That tall, beautiful redhead is impossible to miss—


Suddenly, Ryujin's ears pick up on none other than Yeji screeching from somewhere inside the house. In a flash, her feet are already moving before she has an opportunity to mentally or verbally tell herself to run. Her heart sinks in her chest, tightens, and worry consumes every bone in her body as she rushes through the living room and down the hall towards the direction of the scream right into the laundry—


"Uhm... "

The blonde finds the girl in question standing in the laundry room. She's unharmed, which is a wonderful reality, although the same can't be said for the space they're presently occupying. Ryujin's sort of relieved, in a sense, but also utterly confused. For several seconds, her brain had convinced herself that her girlfriend was being robbed or something. Instead, she seems to be the culprit.

"What happened here?" Ryujin takes in the scene around her after she proposes the question. No, seriously, how does one manage to get soap on the wall and have their clothes scattered quite literally everywhere?

"I think I was a little too excited when I came home and accidentally dumped too much soap in the water." Yeji tensely speaks while rubbing the back of her neck. It was a mistake, really, and when she came to check up on her laundry, she noticed the mess during its spin cycle. Needless to say, she's now learned to stop the machine before opening the lid.

"Do you, uh, need any help?"

"Yes, please."

Ryujin nods as she walks toward the machine next to her co-star, who smiles at her while the younger woman tries to come up with a solution to the issue. As she does this, Yeji's playful side brews up a humorous idea, and she follows through with her scheme.

Mischievously, the redhead raises a hand up to Ryujin's face and sets some of the foam on her chin, giggles directly after out of sheer joy. The unexpected touch startles Ryujin, but the sweet sound quickly calms the formerly accelerated pace of her heartbeat. Rather than use this mess as a means of distraction from her stress, she consciously decides to zone in on the soft laughter. She brings her fingers to her chin and pretends to stroke the area. "Giving me a beard, huh?"


Yeji lifts both hands after scooping up some more, drags the bubbles against the latter's cheeks over her sideburns and alongside her jaw. While she's doing this, Ryujin discreetly gathers some for herself and lathers it on the lower half of Yeji's face while biting her tongue to minimize her obvious amusement.

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