Chapter 1: How We Met

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"She's still staring."

"I love you and all, Ryu, but if you're that bothered, do make it known. I wouldn't prefer to hear your complaints for the next hour." Rosé continued twiddling her thumbs against her phone screen. Sure, at first, she found the topic particularly intriguing, but the details had been the same as they were five minutes ago. Thus, she's lost all interest.

"I'm not bothered." Slumped against her seat, a relaxed stance she would normally find herself in, Ryujin strayed away from her norm and adjusted her posture, almost ready to approach the mystery girl. "I do find it weird, though. It's not like I know her."

"Maybe she knows you."


It was quiet for a few minutes. Perhaps not dead silent, but the young Shin didn't speak after her vague response. They were in the auditorium undergoing a school assembly because it was the beginning of the year, her freshman year to be exact. Ryujin was starting ninth grade and her sister, Rosé, was a senior at this school.

Rosé had plenty of friends here, and Ryujin knew quite a few others in her grade that transferred to this location. It was comforting to know, but for this particular morning, Rosé insisted she could be the one to show her little sister around on her first day. Ryujin didn't decline this offer as she thoroughly enjoyed her sister's company... usually. It seemed that today the oldest was busy on her phone distracted, which left the youngest a little bored at first.

Temporarily, Rosé peeked at Ryujin over her phone, speaking as she continued to type. "Is it some kind of staring contest now?"

"Uhm, no?"

"Don't tell me you've fallen in love at first sight."

"Oh, shut up!" Ryujin chuckled, playfully slapping her sister's arm. Love wasn't a concept she looked forward to nor into. Rather, she was more focused on her life goals and dreams. However, she never had a problem making friends.

"If you're going to stare, though, you might as well go say hi. I doubt a silent conversation will get you anywhere."

"But she's not looking right now."

"Yet you are." Rosé laughed, and Ryujin honestly couldn't tell if it was at this odd situation or something on the latter's phone screen. "Just go be you. I know you have past friends, but some new ones wouldn't hurt."

Ryujin hadn't responded yet. Instead, she had her chin rested against her palm, eyes still fixed on the stranger while occasionally looking away to make it seem less awkward, mumbling, "sʜᴇ's ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ," under her breath.

But not quiet enough, it seems, because Rosé was quick to respond. "Hey, I told you to make friends, not flirt with the first person that shows you even a sliver of attention."

"I wasn't planning to flirt... "

"No, but I'm sure you would've at some point," Rosé said as she lightly shook her head. "But seriously, if you're going to talk to anyone, you should do so before the assembly ends."

"You're telling me to get up, walk away, and ignore the instructor's speech??"

"Well, yeah. One, nobody ever listens. Two, your teachers will go over the same boring rules and code of conduct, etcetera."

"But weren't you going to show me around?"

"I still am, aren't I?"

"Hmm... " Ryujin thought silently to herself, trying to find a way around it, not entirely sure yet if she's willing to approach the random girl. But her sister knew her well. Ryujin wasn't one to be shy. Then again, she was young and hasn't run into anyone who's sparked her curiosity. "What if she offers to show me around?"

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