Chapter 35: Good News?

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This chapter is short compared to the previous ones but it's pretty necessary. Hopefully the facts are right... ok bye

"I found the nurse!" Ryujin barges into the room excitedly, but the crinkle on her forehead indicated how determined she was to not drop the numerous snacks she managed to snag as the nurse follows close behind. She's truly happy right now. In fact, she's never been more hopeful. "I also found a vending machine. Thought you might be hungry."

"As sweet as that is, I regret to inform you that sugary snacks are not something we recommend."

"Really??" Both the nurse and Yeji turn to Ryujin, who apparently dropped every item on the floor, arms dangling to the side with a look of defeat on her face. "They can't be that bad, and besides, I just spent like twenty dollars on that ridiculously priced machine."

"I'm, uh, sorry to hear that, Miss Shin." The nurse smiles apologetically, then turns back to Yeji while Ryujin picks up the mess she made. Her smile fades rather quickly, and she looks concerned. "How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts and my stomach's a bit queasy, but other than that, I'm alright," Yeji confesses honestly. Seriously, other than the stupid aches in her head and upset stomach, she feels pretty normal. In fact, she feels so normal that today only seems like it'll be the shittiest aftereffects she's ever had. That's all there is to it.

"I see. That's most likely due to the combination of a hangover and a mild head injury. There's a chance you'll experience PTA."

"What's PTA?"

"Post-traumatic amnesia. If you're missing memories, feel confused, don't recognize someone, that's sometimes expected after a mild concussion."

"I woke up really confused, and aside from the morning, most of my day yesterday is a blur. Does this mean that's nothing to worry about?"

"That's pretty normal, yes. Also, you were under the influence of alcohol, so there's no telling how much you'll remember anyway. Do you still have any chest pain?"

"Not at the moment." She tilts her head a little, recalls Ryujin mentioning she likely had a heart attack, meaning it's probably tied to that. "Did I have chest pain before?"

"Your partner informed us that you had some discomfort in your neck and claimed your chest was hurting. She said you would clench your shirt right here." The nurse mimics Ryujin's actions from several hours ago. "Because you were drinking, it wouldn't have been that hard to believe it was a heart attack. It doesn't happen too often, but if it's a heavy session, it's possible."

Yeji's eyes widen a bit. She's still trying to grasp the fact that she has no memory of this whatsoever. Trying to think about it makes her head hurt even more.

"Are there any, uhm... " She sighs. A part of her wants to hear the answer, yet another part of her opposes that desire. Still, she doubts she can avoid it forever. She thinks she'd rather know and rip that bandaid off now, get it over with before the anticipation eats her alive. "Are there any consequences for my carelessness?"

"Ah, it seems we're on the same page. The answer to your question is precisely why I had Miss Shin inform me of when you've woken up."

Curiously, Ryujin's ears perk up. Of course she's been paying attention, but she's even more attentive now that the topic of conversation has transitioned into something more serious.

"Wh- what can you tell me?" Yeji tries to ask that with conviction, but she knows she failed, can't hear the confidence in her tone herself. Her hands are trembling a little. She's afraid of knowing, has no idea what to do with the knowledge if it turns out to be comprised of unbearable information that's truly terrifying.

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