Chapter 6: It Begins

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Due to all of the information leaked out at the meeting, both women were thoroughly informed regarding their need to travel to a different city in order to film certain scenes, an unbothersome requirement, really. Neither was against the condition. Additionally, they were explicitly promised to receive separate hotel rooms. With this guarantee, how could either disagree? Well, not that they could oppose if they desired to keep their roles...

Anyways, in their respective homes the following day, both women began packing their bags. It felt a little out of the blue, but not too much since each already had a feel of what hectic schedules looked like. After all, they are idols. Very famous ones, too. It was normal to do what was asked of them without overthinking it. Their career was very demanding, no doubt.

As of this moment, a particular blonde was chatting on the phone with her best friend as she packed, addressing a specific document's content. Within twenty-four hours of the script being in her possession, the young Shin had managed to study it over entirely. So, it's safe to say that she has been talking Chaeryeong's ear off about her concerns and, well, complaints. To no one's surprise, she had a lot to say about what was scripted.

"No, seriously. I can't tell you how many scenes there are where— "

"I love you and all, Ryujin, but I don't want to continuously hear you complain about the same thing over and over again." The youngest cut her bestie off, obtaining a sort of annoyance out of this phone call. Chaeryeong figured that she fairly gave the latter enough time to vent, and now was the time to interrupt before a similar monologue to that of earlier's would take place.

"Sorry... It's just so annoying."

"Need I remind you that you auditioned for this?"

"I didn't land myself in this situation purposefully. It's coincidental."

"Well, it's only a situation if you make it one. It doesn't have to be a problem. You can get along." There was a brief pause. "It wasn't hard when you first met."

"Are you trying to teach me a lesson?"

"Depends. Is it working?"

"Sure is." Ryujin smiled at her own sarcasm, and though it wasn't visible, she knew Chaeryeong was smiling too.

"You're a lost cause."

"Gee, thanks." She laughed before switching the subject to the younger's personal life, learning about her friend's critical opportunity with a well-known dance company in the area.

The conversation paused momentarily while the blonde gathered her suitcases and rolled them down the hall toward the front door. It wasn't determined how long they'd be gone yet. Her manager told her it was determined by the time it took to film the scenes there, and she was informed it would be a lengthy drive coming from Seoul to Daejeon.

"Are you at least excited about acting again?"

"Uhm, " she considered her words, "while I don't want to be co-starring alongside Yeji of all people, yeah. I am happy. It's been too long."

"That's good... mostly. But do you need help packing? I could swing by whenever."

"I'd appreciate that, but I can't say yes." Ryujin pulled her phone away from her ear and glanced at the time before returning it to its original place. "I have to leave in ten minutes."

"So soon?"

"It's not that soon. Maybe it feels that way because I'm calling you right before I leave."

Pretend (Ryeji)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz