Chapter 21: Persistence

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Yeji's been brainstorming the best way to right her wrong. She spends most of her morning in and out of stores, deliberately searching for a suitable gift that screams "Ryuddaeng," something that possesses sentimental meaning and is understood only by them two, one that compliments their weird, quirky, complicated, bipolar friendship(?).

Somehow, their argument the night before the pivotal scene made the kiss what it was, but that doesn't mean Yeji has no regret. Of course, a part of her is glad that she had the heavenly opportunity to experience what Ryujin might be feeling, but she'd take it back in a heartbeat if it meant she could undo her words and avoid being the cause of her co-star's distress.

It isn't a surprise that she knew the young Shin's birthday. She hasn't forgotten it since the instant Ryujin told her the date. Because the latter could have made plans by now, Yeji wants to speak with her the night before. While she's out, she relies not on what she's heard, but rather on what she's seen with her own two eyes. Just like the other woman, her brain has picked up on the smallest of details, some that others may view as insignificant. This knowledge is certainly a perk to spending so much time together.

All in all, she supposes her ideas come together pretty okay, and she invites Ryujin over in hopes of a yes. To her luck, she does get a yes of some sort, even if it's the hesitant type. Had she received the dreaded no for an answer, plans would've changed drastically, and she would've shown up at Ryujin's house unannounced.

An issue prevails, though. The blonde doesn't necessarily agree to come over, but she is okay with heading elsewhere. Yeji had one silent minute to think fast, leaving Ryujin curious on the opposite end of the line while her mind was busy racing. She recommends the theater, blurts out the suggestion, and because Ryujin loves a good movie, she eventually says yes. Somewhat victorious in her endeavor, Yeji yanks her arm down excitedly and prepares to leave.

Their houses aren't too far from one another's. Depending on the traffic, it could take, on average, around twenty to thirty minutes. Thanks to her eagerness to get there, and a little extra press on the gas pedal (maybe she sped a bit), Yeji arrives sooner rather than later.

By now, the actresses are in the car together, silence filling the air. It's already nine-thirty, the dark sky prompting the quietness to feel pessimistic and uncomfortable. It pains the driver, who craves nothing more than to reverse the frown she caused on her co-star's lips. She's aware it won't be easy, but she's more than willing to try.

Ryujin hasn't been told what movie they're watching, but that doesn't matter so much. She agreed to accompany Yeji because her heart ached at the thought of denying the invitation. Nonetheless, she sort of wishes she had said no. That sliver of hope she acquired at the beginning of the call was now withering.

Yeji has not once attempted to explain herself yet, and that's the one thing Ryujin's waiting on before the night ends. As a matter of fact, her thoughts are so centered on this dilemma that she's completely forgotten about her birthday tomorrow.

"Is any movie alright with you?"


The redhead can't suppress her sigh. One-word responses are all she's heard since she picked up Ryujin. It hurts more than it did yesterday, the uneasiness resulting in the tightening of her chest, but she keeps a straight face, decides on a film herself, and carries a mini discussion with the woman in the ticket booth. Tickets in hand now, because the lady recognized her, something occurs to Yeji. She smiles, hopes this sudden awareness will assist her rather than weaken her chances.

"I've got the tickets."


"I chose Five Feet Apart."

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