Chapter 25: oh no

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By now, Yeji has managed to silently shoo everyone away from the living room and outside of her home. Ryujin was crying, and there's no way she would allow any of them to sit by and listen to anything that will or might be said. It didn't take long for Monday to recognize the hint. Her little sister hastily dragged San away after bidding her goodbye with a troubled stare and mouthing the words "call me." Unsurprisingly, Wooyoung left without a problem, although he'd be lying if he wasn't concerned. He's spoken to Ryujin on occasion due to them both being idols.

This was very, very new for Yeji. Unless it was an act, a scene to call for it while on set during production, she has never seen her co-star cry real tears. Not like this. Nor has she felt her hands tremble as much as they are now.

The sudden spike of fear and a remorseful glint in the latter's eyes rendered her words useless, caused her heart to skip a beat, and not in a good way. Ryujin appeared outright terrified. This isn't how she expected Ryujin's special day to turn out.

"Hey, sit down. Relax~ "

Yeji encourages the blonde to unwind on the sofa as she sits down beside her, offers the other a glass of water. Unintentionally, the mere sight of the cup is enough to frighten Ryujin to the max, make her want to slap the item just because it's all she remembers being in Jinsoul's hand before the crash happened. Fortunately, she chooses not to, just flinches and averts her eyes as quick as she can, tears swelling at the brim of her eyelids.

The redhead grows nervous, glances back and forth between the glass in her hand and the woman sitting on her couch refusing to look in her direction. The younger girl hasn't uttered a single word, not since before Monday hurled a sheet over their heads after their second kiss in front of everyone.

"Ryujin, you're scaring me... " Yeji mumbles, hates that she's unsure what to do.

There's not many options here spread out and visible to the eye. She's never had the opportunity to alleviate Ryujin's troubles, never been there to witness her in a state of vulnerability because, well, the particular circumstance has never happened. She can't stand the sight of her crying, it moves her to tears in an instant. She just needs Ryujin to talk. How else is she supposed to help if—

'Oh.' It suddenly occurs to Yeji that she's been asking questions when she could be comforting the other woman. Immediately, she sets the cup down on the floor beside her feet and protectively wraps her arms around her co-star.

"Say something. Anything."

If Ryujin won't talk, if she's too tangled up in or imprisoned by her memories to properly hear what she's saying, Yeji mentally promises to be there until she's ready. For now, she doesn't expect an explanation. The oldest just needs confirmation that she's present, that she's responsive, not trapped in a state of shock. Ryujin's so frozen in place after turning away that she looks paralyzed.

"Baby, please~ " Yeji whispers, and she's pleading at this point. She can't imagine what could be running through the younger's mind to make her appear this traumatized.

Finally, a hand gradually moves up her back, an arm now lazily draped against it as if the limb belonged to someone lifeless. It's a reaction of some sort, better than nothing, even if it's not words yet.

The young Shin's eyes go wide. Ironically, she's usually alone or with Rosie when she recalls the incident. Nobody truly knows about it aside from the ones involved, her parents, and her sister. She feels too ashamed to tell. In fact, though she didn't mean to, she distanced herself from the rest more and more since that night. Her conversations with Heejin have dwindled to once every couple of months after high school, and she checks up on Jinsoul who's fully recovered by now. Every once in a while she rings up Sooyoung, or it's vice versa, and Sooyoung calls her. They catch up on each other's lives, congratulate one another's accomplishments. It's painful for Ryujin, knowing that Sooyoung took every ounce of blame there was to accept. She didn't think her friend deserved it.

Pretend (Ryeji)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora