Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

I was walking into chem when I heard a distant shout.

"Allleeexxxx!!" Screamed an overly joyful slightly more than crazy best friend of mine named Becca.

I braced for impact as she literally jumped onto my back nearly toppling me down.

"What is it Bec?" I grunted. I could just see her grinning her head off at my misery.

"So a little birdy told me that you and Mr. Hot-I'd-drop-my-panties-for-hunk Damien were pretty close yesterday. And under the staircase at that!

I rolled my eyes at that. You be seen with someone for even 15 min and it's assumed you're gonna elope.

No really. Someone had that happen last year and their parents nearly had a heart attack thinking their children were gonna run away and get married.

You shoulda seen how happy Becca was...


"Becca there is nothing going on between D-"

"Something wrong ladies?" We both looked up at the bastard. Aka Mr. Drew Sterling. Ugh I rolled my eyes and set Becca down.

"No, I-" And again I was interrupted.

"May I talk to Ms. Alexis in the hallway?" I scowled at him but the look he was giving me was enough for me to sigh and tell Becca I'd be back. Before I left I looked back at the class and locked eyes with Damien's piercing stare. At least if Drew decided to kill me than I know Damien would help.

As we got into the hallway Drew shut the door and slowly turned around to face me. He smirked, "So. Have you thought about what I said?"

Remembering back to him and his stupid give me $25,000 and then I'll state my next command thing.

I smirked. "Why of course I have! I'm gonna pay 25 grand and then you will give me my brother or you'll never see daylight again!" I sneered at him.

This time it was him who smirked. "I really don't think you're in the place to be making demands now don't you think?"

I scowled at him knowing he was right but not going to admit it. But before I could reply Drew smirked and walked into the classroom leaving me outside fuming.

Walking into the classroom was tense. Becca and Damien could tell I was pissed no doubt and so they kept their distance, but not without glancing at me a few times.

Even that got on my nerves. I hate when someone knows you're angry and so they tip-toe around you like you'll explode and kill them. That's the look that Becca keeps giving me and just that look is driving me crazy!

When the bell rang I breathed a sigh of relief. Time to get out of here! I'm just gonna go to the gym and work out my stress and anger.


So major update day!! For both Secret Gang Princess and The Fighters!

Hope you all love them!!!

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