Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

"Okay be sure to take your knife and maybe we should have her take a gun? Actually bring two knives in case the other gets taken away from you. And may sure you keep a small army pocket knife in your sock. Also-"
"Matt! Chill please!"

Matt is acting like he's sending his only daughter out to prom with a man he's never met...

Thankfully Lance, Damien, and Sebastian were here to stop his rambling. I have a feeling that if they weren't her he'd have me bringing a machine gun with me when this is supposed to be a 'peaceful' meeting. Doubt it. But I'll go with it.

"Fine, I'll bring Lance with me." I sighed.

"Oh no." I looked at Damien and raised an eyebrow. Now what?

"What's wrong with that?! You wanted me to bring someone and I said I will."

Damien looked at me knowingly. "I want someone who knows how to protect you. Lance can't protect you."

If Lance was offended he didn't show it.

"Sebastian is going with you."


"Did you bring the money?"

Right now Drew and I were standing alone in an empty parking lot by an old shop of some kind. Sebastian was somewhere in the shadows but I knew he had my back. Always has, and I know Drew brought someone for he keeps looking at something from the corner of his eye.

If he thinks he's being slick than its not working very well...

I nodded and showed him the bag.

He looked at my backpack greedily and then nodded at me. I took it off my shoulder and threw it to him.

Looking inside he checked if there was enough. There was.

Looking up at me he said, "okay your brother will be delivered to you tomorrow."

I was nervous in case he ran off with my money and than didn't give me my brother but I knew Damien had it under control.

Damien's POV:

I checked my men and then turned to the map. We had a square foot map of every inch of the Black Thorn Headquarters. While I was grabbing the kid the guys were gonna rob the safe and a few were gonna get lookout.

Once I got the text to go ahead from Sebastian we took off for the house. Because Drew is such a paranoid assbucket, he expected that Alex would bring someone to ambush him there. So therefore he brought nearly his entire gang to the meeting. They are all hidden though.

Signaling to my gang, we moved into the house. A few were on lookout in case someone came back early. Walking into the entry I dodged a guy's fist and swung my foot and hit him in the chest flinging him into the wall.

I ran upstairs and stopped to listen. There were many doors in the top hallway that would take hours to search all of them.

I heard a muffed sound coming from the third door to my left. Running up to the door I stopped, looked around me, and put my ear to the door to listen. I heard something but I couldn't distinguish it.

I tried the doorknob but the door was locked. So I stepped back and crushed the door in. Stepping inside the doorway I saw it was pitch black inside besides one window. Although because it was night out the window didn't do much good. I shown my flashlight over the room and came upon the kid. What was his name again? Started with a B. Benjamin? Ben? Benny!

Finding the light switch I turned it on and came upon Benny sitting beside the bed tied up and gagged.

I ran to him and took his gag off. He looked scared of me and tried to back up whining. I shook my head, "Benny I'm a friend of Alexis. You don't know me yet but I'm Damien. I'm here to get you out."

He didn't look too sure but he seemed to go along with it because he let me get close enough to get the ties off him. I helped him stand and looked out the window. Seeing only my men, I took Benny downstairs into Adrien's office.

He wouldn't take my hand and I really didn't think either of us wanted me dragging him along while we both ran. So I just nodded at him to follow me and surprisingly he did.

Getting into the office I went straight to the window and glanced out not wanting to get attention to anyone unwanted.

I didn't see anyone so I closed the shades and told Benny to turn on the lights. The window was directly in front of the window and when Benny turned in the lights I had direct sight to his desk and right away noticed something. One of the desk drawers had a lock on it. None of the others had a lock.

Quickly I picked the lock and looked inside. Jackpot!

Rolled up with bands were stacks of bills. $20s and $100s were mainly what was found.

Signaling Benny over he bent down in front of the drawer in front of me. He has the same eyes as Alexis. So green. Although hers have more of a sparkle, especially when she's got something up her sleeve.

I broke out of my thoughts when Benny reached into the drawer and picked up a bill and looked at it.

"Stuff as much as you can in your pockets, okay?"

He nodded and did as I said. Once we both had our pockets full of money their was hardly any money left. A few bills though were there so I took out my wallet and shoved them in there.

We shut the door to the drawer and I looked on top of the desk for any papers I might need for the gang.

I found a few shipment dates and passwords. Writing them on another sheet of paper I slipped that into my stuffed pockets and both Benny and I left the office making sure to lock it after us like it had before we got there.

Catching up with everyone. I have the signal to move out. The guys had sabotaged some equipment. What exactly? I'm not sure.

The whole time I keep wondering how Alexis is doing. Sebastian better work his ass of to keep her safe.


Happy Easter!!!! Eat tons of candy!! Get fat!!! You know, the usual!





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