Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex!-"

Turning slowly I planted my glare onto my annoying older brother who has a huge chance of not surviving another minute if he keeps yelling my name.

Once Matt saw me he stops and bent down putting his hands on his knees and breathing deeply like he ran mikes to get here.

He was probably upstairs...

Once he was done practicing his labor exercises.. He stood up and faced me. "Guess what."

Looking at him I huffed, "You ran all the way here just to ask me 'guess what'!?!?"

He looked confused and was opening and closing his mouth like Goldy my catfish.

...just kidding

He's my cat.

Breathing in and out I calmed my nerves and tried to find any patience I have in me. "Okay. What?"

He smiled and started to rub his hands together -- something he does when he's excited. Okaaaaayy now I'm really wondering what is up. I can't think of anything that'd he'd be excited about. Really, he wasn't even this excited when he got his first car!

"You're supposed to guess! So guess!"

"Matt. I' SPIT IT OUT!!" He flinched at the volume of my voice.

Yeah I don't have patience. Like. At all. But hey, it adds to my personality!


Matt straightened himself and started to rub his hands again. "Well what I had wanted you to guess-" he gave me a look but continued-"was that Sebastian has a time for us to meet with his boss!"

I screamed! "AHHHH ARE YOU SERIOUS!? FINALLY!! YES! YES!" Matt grinned while holding his hands over his ears. I jumped onto his back while shouting, "YES! YES! YES! YES!" He laughed and walked around shouting, "Yes!" with me.

"Should I call an ambulance or something?--" Matt turned with me on his back and we both looked towards the doorway where my favorite person in the world stood.

Nope. It wasn't Harry Styles...

Though we all wish it was! You with me ladies?

But back to the disappointing person in the doorway that isn't Harry...


Matt let me down and walked to him. They did their 'man-hug' thing and Matt told Lance the news. He looked at Matt and then me and then Matt again. "Are your serious?" We nodded and he punched the air and shouted. Practically leaping at Matt he grabbed him in a hug and then hugged me. "That's awesome man!"

We all sat down on the couches while Lance got some beers from the kitchen and handed us one.

I thought of something that Matt hadn't quite mentioned, "Where are we meeting?"

Looking over at me he's said that it would be after school tomorrow. After school? I asked him about this.

"Sebastian will meet us at the school and we'll follow him to his house. Or his gang house u guess is what he called it, and his boss will be there."

We hung out till midnight sand Lance just stayed over since according to my parents 'he's always welcome here.'

...yeah not so happy about that...

Going to bed I couldn't help but think about what tomorrow would be like. Turing over in my bed I looked out the window. 'Oh Benny please come home safe.'


HEY GUYS!!!! I'm so happy!! I updated finally! So sorry for the wait but school is ugh. Between football games and not freezing my butt off I didn't have enough time to update.





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