Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Rubbing my head I looked up at the supposed 'wall.' "Ready to go detention buddy?" I scowled at Lance and his disgustingly happy attitude. Who is happy to have to spend another hour at school then necessary?

"Oh. Just overjoyed with the fact I have to spend more time at school and with you than necessary." He chuckled and practically dragged me with him to the room.

Lance opened the door and the teacher looked up at us with a disapproving look. Like that would scare us! Ooo big bad teacher gave us a scary look! I'm gonna go hide under my rock now!


Yeah I didn't think so either.


"Alex! Dinners ready." Skipping down the stairs I glided into the dining room and sat at my seat. I had a fight at 9 and was excited. Hence the skipping and glided. In my mind I was being graceful but to the others I probably looked like a penguin with rabies. Well, at least that's what I got from their faces..

"You ready for tonight kid?"

Sitting down I looked up sat my Dad. He used to help train me but then he got promoted in his job so now he works more. It used to annoy the crap outta me but I've turned over a new leaf....okay not really but I learned to deal with it. "Yeah and its for 3 grand too!"

"At least half of that is going in your college savings." My Mom gave me a pointed look. Rolling my eyes I nodded. Since Lance was here, (big surprise there...) He said grace and then we dug in. Quite literally too..


Wiping off my forehead, I got into the shower. After scrubbing myself clean as a whistle, I got dressed in skinny jeans and a T-shirt. It was just after my fight and I, not to brag.. But I killed it! I slaughtered that little mommas boy! As you can see...

I am veryyy happy.

John had already handed me my money and I had stuffed that in my leather jacket. Slinging that on I walked out of the locker room. Someone else I guess was planning on fighting and I heard he was pretty good. Since I have nothing else to do I am gonna stay and watch.

I stopped and looked around. Tons of people were here tonight. I even saw some kids and a dog! No idea why you'd bring your child to a fight... But whatever. Finally I spotted John near the ring and made my way over to him. Most people recognized me and made a path for me. Which was oh so thoughtful of them.

I slapped John on the back and looked up at the ring. Looking up at the tow men in the ring. Both were at their corners getting ready. "I thought you'd be leaving?" John asked me, but he had to put his mouth right up to my ear and practically shout with all the noise that's in this place.

"I decided to stay. Got nothing to do at home anyway." He shrugged and then the bell rang for the starting of the fight. Both the men circled each other. One man was defiantly bigger and seemed to be cockier too. He kept throwing punches but the other blocked. The other guy was smaller in size to the other but had more muscle and skill.

"Excuse me." Feeling a tug on my jacket I looked down at the tiny kid. Awww they were so cute! A little boy probably the age of 6 and what was most likely his sister who looked 4 stood in front of me.


"Could we haf yor autograf?" I smiled and nodded. He held up a notebook but didn't have a pen.

Slapping John I asked if he had a pen. He looked at me like I was crazy. "Why the hell would you need a pen?" I nudged my head to shoe the kids and he smiled sheepishly. Digging into his jacket pocket he found a black pen and handed it to me.

Rolling my eyes at John I bent down so I was at eye level with both kids, "What are your names?"

"I'm Kale and tis is my fwiend Ali." The boy motioned over to the girl.

Smiling I wrote out the autograph, "So how're you both liking the fights?" They processed to tell me all about the moves I did and how I 'beat the socks' of the other guy.

Just then a guy around my age probably ran up out of breath. "Kale! Alison! Where have you been? I turned around for a second and then you were gone." I smiled at the two and looks up at the guy, who I'm guessing is a brother?.. Although you'd never guess who it was..


Who do you think it is??? I can tell you though.. hint hint* It's not who you probably think it is!

Sorry about the wait guys! I have a lot of hard classes and they give tons of homework! Which ad you know = lots of stress!

Plus I just got over being sick for over a week. I hate being sick.  Although I don't know anyone who likes being sick....



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