Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Mr. Sterling walked into the room and sat at his desk mumbling to himself. I smirked mentally as I knew Damien was watching both of us along with the rest of the class. Finally Mr. Sterling stood up and continued with his lecture, but not before giving an apology for the incident. What was even more hilarious? Was that he had leaned against his desk with a hand on his gut the entire lecture. And for that I applaud myself.


The bell had finally rang for lunch and I couldn't be happier!

I sat down at my table and waited for Becca to come. I had already gotten my lunch and opened my water and drank while thinking. How am I gonna get Ben back? What are Drew's 'demands'? Sounds sketchy. But everything with him is sketchy!

"What did you do..? Mr. Sterling was pissed the entire rest of the class!!" Ahhh there's Becca. I chuckled and explained to her what happened. I also let her in on the whole me killing Brent thing. I had to sometime.

It took sometime before she came down to earth again but she did eventually. I was about to take a bite out of my sandwich when a fist came and sounded on my table nearly causing me to choke. I glared up at the culprit.

..."what the hell Matt!? I nearly choked! I'm eating here. Go shoo!" I made a shooing gesture but he continued to share at me.

"What's this I hear about you and Mr. Sterling getting it on in the hall during class? Are you serious Al!?" This time I did choke...on air...

"WHAT! Where'd you hear that!?" Matt nodded his head back, "Jessica, who was in your class."

Both me and Becca gave him an annoyed stare. This time Becca had my back, "Its Jessica Matt. When does she not have sex on her mind?! Plus how would she know if that happened?? Which it didn't!" He looked at me as if to confirm this. I slapped him upside the head. "Ouch! Calm woman!"

I glared, "I hate Drew. Why the hell would I sleep with him? And in a hall!? Real classy.." Lance snickered next to Becca. I hadn't even realized he was there.

Matt rolled his eyes at that but continued, "okay so if that didn't happen...then what did you do? She said she heard some banging." Becca nodded in agreement to that and they all looked at me. "He has Ben, and I threatened him if he hurt him I'd skin him alive..LA dee da... Uhmm and he slammed me into the lockers twice so that's probably what you heard."

I continued with my sandwich.

Lance pulled the sandwich away and I glared at him, "Wait he hurt you?" Both me and Becca laughed at that. "Heck no! I punched him twice in the gut. The only thing that hurt me was his personal space issues!" He also needed a breath mint but I decided to keep that to myself.

Matt nodded and sat down beside me. I tilted my head towards him, "what're you doing?" He looked down and around him then shrugged, "uhhh sitting?" Rolling my eyes I gestured to him and Lance, "what're you two still doing here? You can go now. You wouldn't want to ruin your social status by hanging with us." Becca rolled her eyes at that, while Lance narrowed his eyes.

Matt smirked and out an arm around my shoulders, "True, but can't I hang with my little sis? We never spend time together. Maybe we should start having those bro/sis days!" I elbowed him in the chest and put his arm down. "I think I'll turn that offer down." He shrugged, "Suit yourself. Come on Lance." They both got up and left but not before Lance ruffled my hair. I swatted his back and he chuckled. Once they were finally gone we returned to eating.


The last bell finally rang and I leapt up and practically ran from the room. Getting to my locker I grabbed my bag and the books I'd need, then slammed it shut and turned to leave but slammed into something. "Woah, careful there shortcake." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion while rubbing my nose. Looking up I met soft dark brown hair, smooth lips and greyish green eyes. Damien. "Shortcake?"

He chuckled and let go of my arms that I hadn't even realized he was holding. "Yeah because you're so short." He patted my head. Slapping his hand away I tried pushing him away. Key word: tried. It was like pushing brick wall! Smirking he crossed his arms over his chest. "What's wrong shortie?"

Practically growling at him, I gestured at him, "Move!"


Confused I looked up at him again, "What?"

This time he rolled his eyes, "You mean, would I move please."

Nodding my head I pulled my bag farther up my shoulder, "Yeah sure, just let me by." Since the hall was so crowded, I couldn't get by anyway if he didn't move. "Say it."

I thought for sure he could see the steam coming from my ears but from the smirk on his face I'm guessing not. "Say what?"

"Say that you want me to move but politely this time."

I glanced astounded this time at him. Since when would he care about politeness!? Grrr fine! "Would you move!?" He raised an eyebrow, ,"please.." He grinned at that and then stepped closer and bent down next to my ear. "See? That wasn't so hard. See you later shortcake." He nipped my ear lobe and I gasped and turned but he was already gone.'d he get away so fast!? Shrugging I made my way outside, got into my car, and drove home.


Once I got back home I opened the door to be met face to face with none other than..



Woo! Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?

Hey guys!!!

Sooooo what'd ya think??? I have a girl in my school who is well...a whore. And no offense to any Jessica's out there! But I had to out her in as the school slut. Also helps me remember! But don't you love it that she automatically assumes that she's getting it on with her teacher!? I mean what????? Hahaha

Love you guys!!



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