Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


Jumping up I looked around the room. Oh that's right, I'm in chemistry.. Looking to my right I saw Damien who seemed extra happy.

Yeah he won last night..did I mention that? No? Well he did.

Rolling my eyes at him and propping my head in my arm, I tried to focus. Key word: tried.

Damien had that stupid smirk of his on his face. I get it you're happy you won your fight. So did I!


After the torture that was chemistry the other classes went fast -- as in I slept through them.

It was lunch break and Bec and I were spread out in the grass near the football fields. Taking advantage of the sunny weather.

Laying my head back I looked up at the sky. Cloud watching always makes me think if how small we really are. There are huge galaxies up there while I'm here. A 5' 6" girl.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I looked over at Lance as he came over and sat down.

I shrugged, "Just cl-"

--"She's just thinking of how awesome a brother she has." Matt said as he flopped down beside us.

I looked at Matt and raised an eyebrow.


"What do you want?"

Putting a hand over his heart --like he was actually offended-- "that hurts sis. Cuts deep."

I slapped him on the arm.

"Okay okay! No need to get abusive on me here!" He raised his hands above his head. "The reason I'm here is because Sebastian called me and said that his boss agreed to help get Ben back."

I grinned and hugged him. "That's great! When do we meet him? How are we gonna get him back then?"

I'm so happy! It's been days since Ben's been home and I can't stand him to be gone anymore. Who knows what's happening to him!

" I don't know yet. Sebastian said he will set up a time and place." He looked thoughtful for a second but the look passed. All I could think of was 'I hope Sebastian sets up a time quickly!'


So sorry for the wait but school is sooooo stressful lately!! I'm sure ya know how it is... But thanks for all who have been patient and love you all!!! I'll try to update more but I'm also trying to update my other two stories also. No promises on a scheduled date but I can promise it will be as soon as I can!

Vote! ✔✅




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