Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Once I got back home I opened the door to be met face to face with none other than..


I dropped my bag on the floor. He turned around and grinned his perfect panty dropping smile. His black hair glistened in the light and his blue eyes were bluer than ever. I looked over at Lance and Matt who avoided eye contact and John who seemed to find extreme interest in my rug.

"Alex! Its great to see you!" He came forward and grabbed me round the waist bringing me to his chest. Slowly I wrapped my arms around him too. He let go to hold me at arms length and looked at me. I seemed to be frozen and it was annoying me. Why was he here? I said I'd think about it! "You look great Al." He whispered to me. I blushed under his intense gaze and he smiled but let go of me. I walked into the living room where the three cowards were and coughed. "So anyone want to tell me why Sebastian is here?"


I stomped my foot, "NOW!?" They all jumped and started to explain at once which, as you know would sound like gibberish. And it did. "One at a time you Nimrods!"

So John stepped forward and started speaking, " We couldn't waste anymore time Alex, and you know that. So I called up Sebastian and had him come over."

I turned to him, "Does he know what's all happened?" They shook their heads. So I turned to Sebastian and sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to me. "Might as well explain everything to him then.." I sighed.


After we had finished telling Sebastian everything that had happened he agreed to help. Okay I lied. He was speechless first and THEN he agreed to help.

"So what are we gonna do?" I asked him. I honestly had no idea what to do and that unnerved me.

Sebastian looked at me and gave me a small smile. "Well for right now you are gonna have to continue as if he hasn't gotten to you. I'll talk to my boss and see if he has an idea of what to do. Sound good?" We all nodded and soon after he left.

"Well I'm off then. Was supposed to be home at 5, but that didn't happen so bye!" I looked at the clock and it was 7:30. I sniggered since Lance would get grounded probably. Unless he said he was here and then probably get off Scott free since he practically lives here already.

"You mean the great Lance Arther is not staying for dinner? Matt! Quick look out the window!" I yelled to him and pointed to the window.

He looked at me like I have just lost it, "Uhm why?"

Rolling my eyes I answered him, "Well duh! To check if there is a pig flying!" I waved my arms around. Lance scowled at me while Matt was "coughing." More like laughing.

"I know you will be lonely without me here Lex, but try and control yourself. Please." This time I scowled at Lance.

"Dude that's my sister! Gross." I rolled my eyes and left the room as they continued with their talking.



Rolling my eyes I continued to write down the notes from the board. Until I felt a nudge on my arm.

"Pssssssstttt Alex!" Ignoring him again I continued along with my notes. *Stomp!*

I jumped, "Ouch! What the hell Lance?!" I glared at him as he tried to keep him laughter in. He had stomped on my foot!

"Ms. Parker! Language! Detention for you and Mr. Arther. You can bother each other there if you must, but not in my class. Now sit down!"

Glaring at Lance, I sat down and continued with those damn notes. Thankfully Lance decided to shut his trap for the rest of class.

Once the bell rang and we had made it out of class, I slapped Lance upside the head and punched his arm. "Oww abuse!"

I rolled my eyes. I really make a habit of that don't I? Maybe I should stop doing that as often?.. "That's for getting me detention! What was so important anyway?"

"I got detention too for your information darling." Rubbing his arm he walked off, or tried. I pulled him back, "what did you need?" He smirked at me and left. Ugh! I stomped my foot and turned around to see Damien leaning against the locker next to mine. He was sporting an amused look as he took in what just happened.

I walked to my locker, putting in my books and taking out my chemistry notebook and book out. "What?" I had noticed out of the corner of my eye that he was staring at me. I turned my head expecting him to look away, but he didn't. He held eye contact with me and it was slowly making me uncomfortable.

He smirked as I shuffled my feet. "What's wrong? Do I make you nervous?" Taking a step closer, I took one back. Right into my locker. His green grey eyes watched me as I stared at him, clearly uncomfortable. What he said finally seemed to make it to my brain, "N-No." Cursed stutter!

His smirk widened and he took another step closer. Leaning a hand right next to my head on the locker, he leaned against my body but made sure not to crush me. I swallowed dryly as he leaned in, "You should be." Stopping myself from shivering, I pushed him away and shut my locker as I made my way to class. I could still hear his chuckle down the hall.


We had 30 min left of chemistry and I couldn't focus to save my life! My mind kept wandering to what happened in the hall. The way his body leaned against mine and his minty cool breath against my ear. I shook my head. I can't think that way about him!

"Ms. Parker? Please come up here, you have a letter." I lifted my head from the desk and stared at Mr. Sterling. Slowly standing up I walked to the front, knowing I had Becca and Damien's eyes on me. Becca, because she knows what has happened and Damien... Well I actually don't know. I always get the feeling he knows more than he says or shows. His eyes are always hiding something.

Mr. Sterling was sitting in his chair with it angled so no one in the class could see what he said or did. Getting to his desk I crossed my arms against my chest, "What?"

He smirked at the obvious distaste in my tone. "What's the matter? Don't like to be around me?"

I gritted my teeth and leaned against his desk, "No I don't like to spend my time with bastards that kidnap children." He scowled at me and I stood up. Grabbing the paper from his hands I started to walk to my desk. Of course he had to stop me..

"Language Ms. Parker! Detention!" He was trying to hide the smirk but I could see it from his eyes. Only this time jokes on him.

I smirked back, "Already have one MR. Sterling." He clenched his jaw as I back walked to my desk. Really surprised I didn't trip truthfully. Sitting down I broke eye contact with him and looked at the note.


If you want Ben back you must pay the sum of $25,000. Once paid I'll give you the next demand.

-D "

I saw red. How dare he? I'm gonna have his head! So I have to do more than pay $25 grand!? What is this!? I'm not his to do with as he pleases!

I glared up at Mr. Sterling. Who, wow by chance, was watching me. Once he saw my glare his eyes seemed to light up and the right side of his lips tipped upwards. I got up again and walked up to him. I don't care if this looks weird I need answers!


Intense!! Drew irritates me so much but its slightly funny how he's a teacher and he acts like a child at times... :-P
Just a forewarning guys! School just started for me and I'm not going to be able to update as quickly. So I do apologize for that ahead of time!

Love you guys!!!







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