Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I stared at Damien and thanked my stars that I had brought my hoodie with me into the shower and was wearing it now!

"What the hell are you doing in here!? Who are you!?" I couldn't have him know that I already had met him. Shadow doesn't know this douche yet.

He smirked. Does he have no shame!? He just walked in here and I could have been changing!! "Good job in your win."


I covered my face with my hair and tried to change my voice a little. "Thanks, now uh get out." I couldn't be too rude but hell, he was in my locker room!!

He walked closer to me and I backed away until I felt a wall behind me. Ohhh great! Could this get any better!? Note my sarcasm people. He smirked, "What's the matter? Do I make you nervous?" What!? I just knocked out a man that was bigger than him and he has the nerve to ask if I'm nervous of him!?

I fisted my hands and controlled my breaths to not yell at him. He may recognize my voice from the few times I've talked to him. After all I did yell at him a few days ago after that weird encounter..

"No, I'm not nervous." I gritted out at him. He smirked and stepped closer, so close you wouldn't be able to put a piece of paper between us. My heart beat quickened as I felt his breath on my lips and I continued to look straight as his chest afraid of what id do if i looked up into his eyes.

He leaned into me and whispered into my ear seductively, "are you sure?" My breath hitched and I was about to reply when the locker room door opened and John came in. "Hey kid I've got your.." He stopped when he saw us. Damien moved away from me, but before he did he whispered in my ear once more, "I'll be seeing you sweetheart." He stepped back and winked at me before turning and leaving the room.

The door shut and John grinned that stupid cheesy grin of his. He rocked back on his feet and grinned, "Soooo. Do I want to ask or is it too explicit for me to know?" I just glared at him and punched his shoulder,"shut up! You're an idiot you know that? Ugh! Nothing happened! I thought it was you!"

He kept grinning, "Sure you did." I gave up. Whatever! He can think what he wants!

"Whatever, where's my money?" I reached out my hand and he put the cash in. "You got 2 grand. I already took my cut so this is all yours. I'll see you tomorrow for practice. Goodnight!" He waved at me then left.


I just love waking up on weekends don't you? Just knowing that you don't have to go to school and learn a bunch of crap fills me with joy.

The sun shown through my window and I walked gracefully to the bathroom for a shower.

See? Weekends are helpful for my walking!

Anywho after u was done with my morning routine I went downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning Alex." My Dad said, which surprised me since he usually had his face plastered to his newspaper in the mornings.

"Morning Dad. I'm going to the gym in a little bit for practice." He murmured a reply and I rolled my eyes grabbed some toast and an apple (I'm obsessed with apples, don't judge) and I ran upstairs to change.


"Well goooodddmornning Alllexxxx!!! Come on dooowwnn!!"

.....he's in a good mood...

If you're confused, I just walked into the gym and John is talking like a ridiculous TV host. "John why the hell are you so happy at 9 in the morning?!"

He grinned at me with that I-know-something-you-don't-know grin. "We have someone new that joined the gym to be a fighter.."

Uhhh okay? Why the heck would this be a big deal? This isn't the first time we have had someone join the gym to be a fighter. I voiced my thoughts to him.

"That'd because he is joining us in training!"

I heard him wrong. I know I did. I HAD to have heard him wrong.

"What?" I cocked my head to the side confused. His grin reached the size of the sun.

Just then the doors opened and the heat came rushing in. I didn't bother looking over as the doors open a lot at this time. Especially during the weekends. John was practically hopping with his stupid grin. I gave him a what look.

Just then I felt a presence behind me and I turned around.

What the heck is he doing here?

I put 2&2 together and thought if what John had just said...



Damien is NOT training with me!


Soooo this may be short but I DIIID upload!! Thank you guys so much for the comments and votes!!!





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