Chapter 4

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*beep beep beep smash!*

Remind me to get as new alarm clock...

I got out of bed and went to take a shower. After I had done my morning routine and dyed my hair, I put in my contacts and went to my closet. I decided to wear a sundress , flats and a necklace. After dressing I made my way downstairs for breakfast, passing my younger brothers room. Did I mention I have a younger brother? No? Well I do. His name is Ben and he is adorable but mischievous. Don't know where he gets that from! He's seven and in elementary school. Obviously!

I poked my head in the door, "Ben? You up?" All I got in response was a cute little snore. I walked in and sat on the edge of his bed shaking him awake."Ben get up. Beeennnn. BEN!" I shoved him and then he finally woke up. How you can sleep through someone yelling at you from about a foot away? I have not idea, I'd have already punched them by then.

When I knew he was gonna stay awake I left his room and walked to the kitchen. My mom was already up cooking breakfast. "Good morning honey!"

"Morning mom." I opened the fridge and grabbed some OJ and was about to chug it from the carton if it hadn't been snatched from my hands in 0.003 seconds. "Whaa?"

"ALEXIS PARKER! How many time have I told you to NOT drink from the carton! Get a glass!" My mom lectured me while holding the carton. I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a glass and went to the counter where mom put the OJ. Sipping my juice I asked what she was making.

"Pancakes. And also can you go wake up your brother for me?"

I groaned loudly, "mooomm I'd rather watch the pancakes for you than do that!"

"Alex listen to your mother." Oh hello father, great timing you've got there! I groaned but trudged upstairs to Matt's room. Hehe this could actually be fun...

I slowly opened his door as quietly as I could while tiptoeing in. I found Lance on the floor on a blowup mattress too. Yes! Double the kill! Just making this straight though...I am not actually killing them.

My mother would kill me then..

I went into his bathroom and grabbed the toothpaste with a brush. I then grabbed a marker from his desk and tiptoed to the victims. I know Matt can be a heavy sleeper so this is gonna be great! Muhahaha!

I grabbed the toothpaste and opened it, putting a mustache on him and brushed it with the toothbrush for effect. I then grabbed the marker and gave him a unibrow and wrote 'Alex's bitch' on his forehead.

After this was done I went over to Lance and was more careful seeing as how he can be a light sleeper. I carefully put the toothpaste mustache on him and brushed it the same as Matt's. Then I gave him a unibrow also and wrote 'Alex is sexy!' on his forehead. I muffled my laughter and put the items back where they were. I then walked over to the door and opened it then flipped on the light and slammed the door shut. Lance moved a little and Matt groaned a little but otherwise nothing! Come on!!! Okay new plan.

I went over and took both of their blankets leaving them shivering. To add to the effect I turned on the fan and opened the window. Now just wait...

After about 5 min Lance woke up and punched Matt awake. "Shit! Alex don't! That hurt!!" He whined. Whined! He is an 18 year old and he's real tough brother everyone!

I think Lance only thought I did my art on Matt's face because he highfived me and got up to go to the shower. Matt was still in bed so I used the old method.

"MATT YOU LAZY ARSE! GET UP! GET UP!! RIHANNA IS DOWNSTAIRS WAITING FOR YOU! GET UP!" I yelled as I jumped on his bed. And it worked. He sat up so quick I fell back wards and onto the floor with a *thud!*

"Where!?" He was looking around everywhere than realized what I said and got up and ran downstairs... So gullible I tell ya! Like Rihanna would wanna see him in the morning!? I don't even! I followed him downstairs as he looks around franticly with mom and dad looking at him like he grew another head and Ben laughing his head off. Matt then turned around slowly and looked at me.

1...2....3... "ALEX!!!" I couldn't take it anymore and burst out laughing with tears in my eyes. He wasn't too happy and had this gleam in his eyes. Oh no... And then he bolted! I took off out the door with him hot on my heels. I ran through the front yard and down the sidewalk, I looked over my shoulder and he was still there only closer! I sped up and was about 5 feet from the bus stop when he tackled me.


Ouch! At least it was on the grass? He-- I guess--had looked into a mirror too and was furious. His face was red and nose flared and man! It was too funny and I was still laughing. Gasping for breath I rasped out, "I didn't think you were this happy to see me in the mornings Mattyboy?"

He was fuming and grabbed the toothpaste from his upper lip and smeared it all over my face! Ewww! And I just did my makeup too! We heard some laughing and looked over at the bus stop... The bus had arrived along with a lot of people...

Uh oh.. Wow bad timing.

And then I realized something... Matt is only in boxers with a unibrow and toothpaste on him and I have toothpaste all over my face... Wow this is a sight. So what would any normal adults such as us do you may ask?

We booked it out of there! Matt got off me and ran as I did the same. I really hope they didn't take pictures. Although it would be more embarrassing for Matt but face!

Once I got home I went to my bathroom, cleaned off my face, and reapplied my makeup. Matt and Lance were giving me a ride this morning so I waited for them to get done. I ate an apple and got my shoes. Once both Matt and Lance got down we left for school.

Pulling into the parking lot we got many stares. Oh great the news has traveled! And I'm supposed to keep a low profile because of my other identity! We got stared at as we went into the school. I went to my locker and met Becca in first period. Also by the look on her face, she'd heard the news.

"Ohhh don't start!"

It was second period and luckily Damien didn't seem to be here! Yes! Desk all to myself. I put my bag on the seat next to me and laid my head in the middle of the desk and fell asleep.


I jolted awake at that and saw a hand in my vision. Weird. I followed the hand up there arm to the face and lost my breath.

He's here.


So here's chapter 4! What do you guys think? Who do you think it is?? Love you guys!!






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