Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Looking at the clock I saw there was 30 minutes of class left. Ugh! This entire hour has been torture. Pure torture. Every few minutes Mr. Sterling would glance at me mischievously, like he's hiding something.

Yeah like my brother...

The dick of a teacher is currently making us write notes from this shitty projector he has. And he keeps moves slides so fast we barely can write the notes down.

As I was writing one of the stupid sentences my pencil broke.

Okay I knew I was mad but I feel like the hulk right now!

Looking in my bag for another pencil or own I came up empty; which left me with no other choice.

"Hey.. Can I borrow a pencil?" I asked Damien. Either he didn't hear me or he was ignoring me. Although from the way his jaw clenched I'm going to guess he heard me.

"Hey! I'm talking to you." I tapped him on the arm.

And can we just take a moment to appreciate the sexy arms of this dude!? With his lightly tanned smooth skin and the way his muscles are bulging but not the 'I'm on drugs' way but the 'I work out and am so sexy' way.

I didn't realize that I had been ogling his arms right in front of him until a snapping pair of fingers came in my view.

"Did you want the pencil or do you want to continue checking me out? Which I wouldn't mind but we do have notes. " I looked up into his eyes to be met with an amused look. Ugh him and his perviness.

Not that I'm one to talk since I was just like arm raping him with my eyes like five min ago... But we'll just forget that.

Rolling my eyes I grabbed the pencil he was holding out for me.


"Ms. Parker and Mr. Clark! Is there a problem or would you like detention?"

Speak of the devil....

I looked up at Mr. Sterling and stared him right in the eye. "No." He raised an eyebrow and was about to comment further when the bell rang. Smirking I chucked Damien's pencil at him and bolted.

...but not before seeing Damien snap his arm out like lightening and catch the pencil. How can he have that good of reflexes?


I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! 1k reads!? That's amazing!


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