Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"I'm home!" I yelled as I got home and my voice echoed through the house. Huh. Wasn't anyone home? 

Just as I thought this in came Matt out of absolutely frickin nowhere! 

"Shit Matt! Can't you just say hello or something back instead of creeping up on me!" 

He smiled sheepishly at me. "Sorry but I have great news! Sebastian stopped by and said he'd be by the house later tonight and pick us up to go meet his boss!!" 

My breathing stopped. "Are you serious?" I asked quietly. 

Matt just grinned. Oh my gosh!! I jumped and hugged him. This is awesome!

"Okay okay okay-" he put me down. "We still don't know for sure if his boss will help yet." 

I stopped jumping. I hadn't even thought of that. Crap!

Noticing my expression Matt spoke up, "well he probably will help. He can't be that heartless."

I smiled at him and walked up to my room. 


It was 8:00 and I was ready to go.  Sebastian had texted and said he was on the way. I had my hair dyed and contacts in and clothes all changed. I was ready to go and hopefully his leader isn't some jackass who thinks he can get anything he wants because we need him. 

"Alex! Come on!" Running downstairs I grabbed my leather jacket and shoved my gun in the waistband of my jeans. 

Matt shut and locked the door and we both hopped into Sebastian's car. Which he has a Mazzanti Evantra and I'm literally drooling over his car right now.

"Alex close your mouth I don't want your drool on my seats." I snapped my head up and looked to my left glaring at Sebastian.

He just smirked and sped off. 


We pulled up next to a building that I had thought was abandoned all this time. It was one of those old abandoned warehouses that you see in like Detroit. It gave me the creeps but I'd never tell the others that. 

"Well here we are. Come on." Sebastian opened the door and slammed it behind him.  

Matt chuckled and followed his lead. I slowly got out while watching my surroundings. I'm glad I brought my gun right now as I saw a group of three guys smoking against the wall of the warehouse. They kept watching us and I internally shuddered. 

Walking into the building I was really surprised. 

The outside of the warehouse looked abandoned but the inside was built like a mansion. A chandelier hung from the ceiling. Many couches were around us and the place had red carpet. Many portraits were around the place and many closets which I probably don't want to know what was in them.


"You can say that again."


Matt slapped my arm. "Ouch dude! You said to say it again."

"It's a saying sis." He rolled his eyes.

Looking forward at Sebastian he was smirking with amusement at us. "You ready to meet the boss?" 

I gulped and nodded. Raising my head high and straightening my shoulders I walked with Sebastian up some stairs to a set of double doors. 

Sebastian knocked on the door. 

"Come in." Said a deep husky voice. It sent shivers through my spine. 

Sebastian opened the door and stepped through, holding the door for me. 

I took in a breath...this is it. 


Heyyyy!!! So... Over 1k reads.. Pretty cool.


So upon a request I finished chapter 24.




lhend16 ❤

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