Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Stepping inside the office the first thing that caught my eye was the huge desk. The desk heavy mahogany and really nice if I say so myself. Looking around the walls were full of bookshelves that reached the ceiling. I didn't think a gang leader would have enough time to read?...

Along with the bookshelves there were a few portraits of, I'm guessing his predecessors. If you didn't guess none of the people in the portraits had huge grinning smiles on their face.

Bringing my attention to the man in the chair who had his back to me. He was staring out the window and seemed to be waiting for something.

"Boss this is the Shadow."

For some reason I got super nervous. Biting my lip nervously I tried to appear confident. After all Matt is right outside and Sebastian is right here.

The chair turned around slowly and my jaw dropped.

"Well well well...nice to meet you Shadow. I'm the leader of the Killers, but you can call me Damien." He smirked and sent me a wink.

(So I was gonna stop here but didn’t want to be cruel and also it was short so continue…)

My jaw dropped and as I stared at him. “Damien?! What the fuck?!”  

He smirked at me and sat up in his chair. “Yeah I have that effect on woman, now if you’ll sit down we can get down to business.” He said as he gestured to the two chairs in front of his desk. Narrowing my eyes I sat down but not without taking my eyes off his. He must have found this amusing as he chuckled.

“Okay Sebastian has told me your situation but I want to hear it personally from you also.”

“What do you not trust him?” I snapped back at ‘the boss’.  He narrowed his eyes at me and spoke, “If you want my help you better knock off the sass or I’ll let you deal with getting little Benny back yourself.”

My eyes widened and I tried to slow my breathing. There is no way that I could get Ben back by myself. Ben got taken by a gang, and it is known to be hard to take on, much less try to talk to a gang when you are just a ‘civilian’. Even as a fighter it would still be difficult to get ahold of the leader of whatever gang took Ben. The only reason I know Drew (Sterling) is because he was at that fight the night my life changed.

I told Damien everything. Yes, everything, even the part about the fight a long time ago when I killed the guy I fought. Damien seemed slightly impressed at that revelation but quickly masked it.  

“Well I have one question.” Damien asked as he leant back in his chair, crossed his arms over his chest, and looked at me.

“Shoot.” He raised an eyebrow so I fixed my sentence, “I mean not literally but go ahead. What was your question?” I coughed awkwardly.

Chuckling he asked his question. “Is this ‘Drew’, Mr. Sterling from school?”

My jaw dropped. (again!) How did he figure that out??? I hadn’t told him Drew’s last name at all. “How’d you come to think that?” I asked him.

He chuckled, “From the moment you two talked there has been tension between you both. It wasn’t all that noticeable but I could tell. Also with that glares and random ‘talks in the hall’ it wasn’t hard to come upon a guess. So I’m guessing I’m right about the Mr. Drew Sterling thing?” I nodded as he continued, “well I can tell you that Drew is second in command to the Black Thorns. There gang is actually rather small but they have a few nice fighters. They are sneaky fuckers though. If they can cheat you in any way they will.” He snapped, he was looking at the wall to the right of him but it seemed as if he were looking through the wall into another place.

“Anyway. The leader of Black Thorns is a man by the name of Adrien Fly. Not a nice fellow to bump into but not many gang leaders are.” He said as he sent a wink in my direction. “I can try to figure out where they have your brother at but it may take a little time.” Opening my mouth I was about to say something before he raised a hand interrupting me, “I will do it as fast as I can. I know he’s your little brother and he’s young so this will be one my top priorities, but you have to understand that my gang comes first in my book.”

I nodded my head and stood up along with Sebastian and Damien. “I’ll get ahold of you later when I have found something out.”

“Thank you.” I said and smiled a small smile at him then turned and left.  Opening the door I nearly hit Matt. “Matt!” I hissed. “When eavesdropping you back away when it gets silent! Ugh you know nothing!”  he smiled sheepishly but rolled his eyes at my last sentence.


Hey Guys!

Merry Christmas btw! Nearly New Years! But here is FINALLY Chapter 25! Sorry for the wait guys but I just got a new job and with all the new training its been hectic. Plus I got randomly sick yesterday… and in Target! I was standing in the Starbucks line for coffee and all of a sudden I got lightheaded and went to sit down with my friends and then my stomach went south and I ran to the bathroom. (which was pretty embarrassing but at the time I didn’t really care!) So yeah….throwing up at Target huh? Yeah sounds like a blast…

I’ll stop talking about my puking habits now… but comment guys!! Please…. It really does help get me motivated to write.






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