Chapter 5

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He raised his eyebrow and pointed to my bag. I moved my bag and he sat down. I moved over a little seeing as how I took up the entire desk. But hey I wanted to be comfortable!

We had 20 min left of class and I couldn't get back to sleep because someone kept tapping their pencil on the desk!


*tap tap*

Ugh!!!! That is so annoying!!

I glared at Damien and his stupid pencil but it kept going. He seemed to tell that I was annoyed because he smirked and tapped his pencil faster to some beat. I grunted and groaned and he still kept going. I picked my head up and glared at him. "Can you stop?" I gritted out. "Stop what?" He asked me innocently and made a point of tapping his pencil. "That! Doing that! Tapping your pencil!" I pointed to his pencil. He smirked and said, "what would I get out of stopping? What else is gonna not make me bored? He raised a perfect stupid eyebrow. I feel like he was implying something but I don't think I wanna know. Luckily the bell rang before I could answer and he walked out.

"So what happened this morning exactly?" Becca asked me from across the lunch table.

"What do you mean what happened?" I leaned forward.

"With Matt. I heard you both had a fight." I knew she always has had a crush on my brother but he doesn't feel that way about her. She's practically his little sister if anything!

"We didn't have a fight Bec. I played a prank on him and Lance and Matt didn't like it so he chased me down the road and tackled me. Simple as that, we didn't have a fight." I told her and grabbed my soda and took a sip.

"Well that's boring! I was expecting a juicy story and I get what you do everyday." She huffed out and crossed her arms. I laughed and got up to dump my tray. "I'm going outside for some air, I'll see you around." I walked to dump my tray and pushed open the doors and walked outside.

I was was talking around the school and I heard some yelling. I followed the noises and it came from the back of the school where all the druggies and gangs go. I usually try to stay away from that area but if someone needed help then I would help them even if they were in a bad place. I peeked around the corner and noticed Damien, Jared, Blake and some other guy standing there. Well all but the guy he was being help up from the collar by Damien. I listened in..

"..owe me money James and I'm gonna get it. Where is it!?" Damien yelled in his face or James face. James was shaking and wide eyed "I'll get the mo-ney Dami--en! I swe-ar! Just gimme tt-ime." He stuttered out

"Time!?" This time it was Blake. "You want more time? We have given you a month! You should have gotten it by now!"

"I'm not waiting anymore! Jared and Blake take him!" Damien ordered Jared and Blake. James was gonna scream but Jared out something in his mouth and then they tied his hands. Okay this is getting out of hand! So I did the stupid but 'brave' thing and stepped out of my hiding place and yelled at them.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!?" All heads whipped in my direction. Now I have seen a lot of dirty and scary looks in my life being a fighter and all but this takes the cake! Damien's glare could kill a person with one look! Jared and Blake just truly seemed surprised, and James gulped. Wow I come to save you and you couldn't be a little happy? People these days!

"Who're you!?" Blake yelled towards me. "ugh Alex." Okay maybe I should have just let them carry him off. Wait what am I saying!? That's cruel!

Yeah but they may carry me off now!

And I'm talking to I've lost it!

"Well Alex why don't you run off and go back to lunch. Okay? Okay. Bye." Ugh Blake's voice was so endearing!

"No." I said and stepped forward. At this gesture Jared took James and Blake stepped towards me. "What do you mean no?" He leered back. I stepped forward though and raised my chin, my fighter was coming out now. I don't back down! "I said no. As in N.O. As in I'm not letting you take him, I don't care what he's done." This time Damien came forward and moved Blake out of the way and stepped so close to me I could smell his breath. Hmm minty.. Stop it Alex!

"If I were you, Alex, I'd leave and go back to lunch with that friend of yours. Got it? Forget what you've seen and run along." He said this slow but menacingly. I nearly crapped my pants right there! Although it pissed me off how they thought I'd just run off and hide when they just tell me to!

"What are you doing to him?" I responded with and looked over his shoulder to James. He still looked worried, maybe for me? Probably him actually.

Damien stepped in front of my vision, "None of your business! Now leave!" He told me. He looked at me like I'd turn tail and run for it any second. I narrowed my eyes sy him and looked him straight in the eyes and said, "why should I?" I leered at him. He seemed surprised and then smirked.

He turned and looked over his shoulder. "Jared, Blake, you know what to do." I was confused, what did he mean by..? Next thing I know I'm looking at the world from upside down. What the hell!? Hr had thrown me over his shoulder and was now walking to the school.

"Put me down you idiot!!" I pounded on his back with my fists. He just chuckled. I will say though I have a verrrryy good view right now. But-- stop perving over a douche Alex!

He walked close to the entrance of the school and then carefully out me down. I reached up to slap him but he grabbed my wrist, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He squeezed my wrist and then let go. He smirked and then turned and walked away. Ugh! I can't believe that just happened! I walked into the school and went to class.

Once the bell rang I went to my locker and it signaled I had a text message. I opened it ----

From: Broster (don't ask he put it in...)

To: Alex

I have practice today and can't give you a ride home. Sorry Cya at home.

I nearly threw my phone across the hallway! Wtf! Now I have to walk! Both parents work and Becca left already! I groaned, grabbed my bag and left the school to walk home. I got outside and just stood there for a second to mentally prepare my self to walk all the way home and then have to prepare for a fight tonight...I think I'm gonna cry! I heard s chuckle to my right and first thought I was crazy and then turned to look.

Of course...

Hey guys!!!! 

I got chapter 5 done (obviously you just read it..) but I hope you liked it!! I truthfully don't like author notes all that much so I always make mine short... so like always thank you guys so much for voting and commenting! it helps a lot!





Love yous!!!


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