Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

To say that my nerves were shot would be a great understatement. I was almost shaking in my boots.

Now don't get me wrong. I wasn't nervous of Drew, the gang, or the money. I've faced bigger problems in the ring than that scrawny piece of ass. I was nervous about Benny. If something went wrong and Benny ended up in the crossfire? How would I explain that? Especially to Mom and Dad.

'Yeah Mom and Dad, you know how You thought Benny was staying with Auntie Judy? Well he got kidnapped actually and got shot. So he's in the hospital maybe dying now. Got it? That's good. Bye!'

Yeah that would work out just fine.....

Just fine that I'd end up dead cause my parent would kill me.

Tonight was the payoff. I had to let Drew know about it and that was next hour. I sat watching the clock and tapping my fingers on the desk.

Soon I felt a tapping on my shoulder so I turned to my right. Lance. "It's gonna be okay. We'll get him back." He told me and gave me a caring smile.

I smiled back. Or well tried anyhow. "I hope so."

Then the bell rang and I can guarantee you I was the first one out of there!

"Hey wanna hang out tonight? We can see that new movie coming out?!" Becca asked me jumping onto my shoulders.

"Omph! Bec I can't." I told her. She sighed but agreed.

"So you gonna see Mr. Hottie tonight?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. I laughed and shoved her.

"Yes I am but forget I told you that!"

I could tell she was trying to hold in a smile but was failing miserably.

I was about to retort when the late bell rang. Damn it! I swore and we both ran to chemistry barely making it in the door before the last bell rang.

Becca was practically on the floor gasping for breath when we got in there. "How do you go an entire fight without passing out?" She gasped out tiredly.

I chuckled and helped her to her desk. "It's called cardio."

"Very glad you could make it in time ladies." Drawled a bored Drew aka Mr. Sterling.

Didn't even bother looking at the idiot and sat in my seat. Drew looked at us as if making sure we wouldn't cause more trouble and then turned to his desk to teach.

Damien shifted and muttered to me, "you have to figure it a way to talk to him."

"Why do I have to think of an idea?!
I asked him.

He turned to me, "Because you're going to be talking to him. So you should think of an idea."

I grumbled under my breath knowing he was right. As always!


Only a couple chapters left!!





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