Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

'Get his attention' oooo! Easy enough right? Ha! Think again.

I know how to get his attention easily buy the thing is how to get his attention and not have it be suspicious. Also to the other kids too.

Eventually I thought of an idea.

I pushed all the books on the desk to the floor with a smash!

I stood up accusingly and stared at Damien. "What the hell?! Why'd you just do that?! I know you don't like me but don't take it out in my books! Pick them up you bas-"

"Ms. Alexis!" I was interrupted by Mr. Sterling. "We don't use that kind of language here! I'll talk to you after class. And Damien." He looked at him. "Pick up the books."

Damien looked so surprised. I don't think he had even caught up with everything when Mr. Sterling talked to him.

I inwardly smiled as Damien reached down to pick up every book, pencil, his phone, and our bags from the floor.

Thankfully his phone wasn't smashed or I'm sure I'd be 6 feet under.

He glared at me as he sat up. I smiled innocently back and waved.


After class I hung back and Mr. Sterling called me up to his desk. "Have you decided? Want your brother back at all?" He smirked.

I narrowed my eyes at him but replied, "yes, I've decided. "

Leaning back in his desk he put his hands behind his head and examined me. "Okay. You know how much right?"

I nodded. He leaned forward and started scribbling something on a sheet of paper. "Meet me at this address at 11." He looked up, "alone."


"Hell no!"

I groaned. "Why would I bring someone else Damien?! It wouldn't make any sense!" I've been trying to drill it into his head that I can go alone to the meeting.

"There is no way I'm letting you be alone with that man during the night in some sketchy parking lot!" He dejected.

I sighed. Again. And turned to Matt. "Can you talk some sense into him?" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes.

He looked at me and seemed to not really want to meet my eyes. "I'm not gonna lie Lex, but I don't want you going alone either. We all know he's going to bring other people too. He still wants revenge for his cousin."

I thought about it. He was right. Drew isn't the honest type to actually show up with no one. He's the type to show up with several others rob me and then beat me til death.

I shuddered. Not a happy thought.


Chapter 31 already?! Dannnnnggggg!

So guess what I did??? I nearly dislocated my thumb. I did hyperextend it though and if anyone is in softball here, you know how hard it is to NOT use your thumb while throwing the ball.

Not all that lucky in sports....pretty clumsy...eugh.

Reached 5k!!!! I love you guys!!!!
Anything you'd like to see in the story while I'm writing the ending please speak up now!





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