Chapter 6

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I heard a chuckle and looked to my right.

Of course....

Damien frickin Clark.

"Need a ride?" He smirked. I narrowed my eyes, "what's the catch Clark?": he just chuckled . "Why do you automatically assume that there is a catch? I'm just doing something nice and you have to ruin it." He was practically whining! "So do you want a ride? Take it or leave it or leave it because I'm giving you 5 seconds to make up your mind. Go." And he looked at his watch.

I thought about it, I don't have a ride and it would exhaust me to walk all the way home just for me to go to practice right away then. And I don't have anyone else to give me a ride so I can't believe I'm going to say this but..


"Come on." He turned and walked to his bike, grabbed an extra helmet and handed it to me. Ugh whatever! Just go through with the torture.

He straddled the bike and I put on the helmet. I strapped the helmet up and straddled the back of the bike behind him. He roared the engine to life, "Hold on tight!" He yelled to me over the engine. I held onto his waist and must I say it lessened the torture. Hey what can I say? I'm a teenage girl and what teenage girl would not notice the fucking 8 pack under there hands? Wow that sounded weird and slightly dirty but you get what I mean!

He pulled out of the lot at lightning speed and I gripped his waist tighter. My surroundings blurred up as I looked around. Slowly I loosened my grip and started to enjoy myself more. Bikes always seemed to make me feel better. My dad used to always take me out in his Harley when I was younger but as I grew older and he got more into his job he just stopped taking me out on them. Truthfully I don't even think he rides at all anymore. I got snapped out of my thoughts as Damien stopped at a red light, "What's your address?" He had to yell over the engine but I still heard him. I put my head near his life head and yelled my address back to him and when the light turned green we took off.

He pulled up into my driveway and I could see that Matt was home already. It seems he's always home! Ugh.

I got off Damien's bike and gave him the helmet and turned to walk to my house. I paused and then turned around, I'm not that rude! "Umm thanks for the ride." Gosh could that sound anymore awkwardly!?!?!

He chuckled and then winked at me, "Anytime princess." Then he rode off...


Did he just?

Did he just call me princess!? What the fuck!! I stomped inside growling to myself curses at him.


Breath in...

Breath out...

Breath in...

Breath out...

I was doing my pre-fight warm ups. I was up in 5 min and from what I could hear from outside the locker room there was defiantly a crowd here tonight! I was fighting whoever the winner was from the fight going on now. Which I didn't mind. Usually the fighters who win this last round before 'the champion' aka Shadow aka me. The winner thinks they can take on anything and are as cocky as a uhh anything that is super cocky!

Wow Alex that sure was great but please never say it again!

I won't don't worry!

Oh man! I'm talking to myself! Book me into a ward already!

"SHADOW! HEY KID!!" I shook out of my crazy thoughts by John. "You're up. Come on!" I walked over to him and he put my robe over my shoulders. I was wearing black sports bra with an S in the middle and black shorts. I had already wrapped my hands and John was holding my gloves and mask. My mask was one of those half masks that was customs made specifically for my face. The reason it was custom made is just so it doesn't fall off during fights. It is black with some swirls and an S on it too. With everything all set I put up my hood and put on my mask and then we walked down the hall and into the arena.

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