Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

It was 5:42 P.M. I only know this because I just looked at the clock. I'm not the kinda person that has those freaky internal clocks that they always seem to know what time it is.

I hadn't really done anything since talking with the boys about the mess. I want this to end. That day was supposed to be normal, and now I'm constantly haunted by the knowledge that I may never be truly free until the BTs are ended. Or at least Drew is. He has held a grudge all this time. Which I can't blame him, I mean I did killer his cousin. I'd be pissed too.

Although do I really want to get Sebastian involved? The last time I saw him was about 8 months ago. That was the last we had heard about the BTs and that town. I can't say I didn't miss Sebastian. He is defiantly a one of a kind guy. With his black hair and mesmerizing blue eyes that drew me in every time. He had been there that night, he helped get John and I away from the crowd and men after us.

I sighed and fiddled with my phone. Should I call him? What if he's moved on to bigger problems? What if he doesn't want to help? I was broken from my thoughts by Matt yelling for me downstairs. I sat up and made my way downstairs.

Rounding the corner to the living room I saw all three of the boys sitting there. Okay realistically, Matt was pacing like a man in a waiting room about to hear if his wife gave birth to a boy or girl. Lance was bouncing his leg like it was on fire; and John had a look as if he were constipated. Nearly laughing at the looks of them I walked in and sat down next to a constipated John. "What's up?"

Matt stopped his cold labor pacing and looked at me, "Shouldn't Ben be home by now?" I looked at the clock even though I knew what time it was. He should have been home and off the bus about two hours ago. This is bad...

"Yeah he should have. Maybe he went to a friends house and we just didn't know about it?" He shook his head, "No I checked with all of his friends' parents. They said they haven't seen him."

Now I was the one bouncing my leg like it was on fire and biting my lip. Crap crap crap! "You don't think-?"

"Actually I do. Thing is, why haven't we heard? If the BTs had him they would've called or left some kind of note." Matt started up his pacing again. I should get him a treadmill... I mentally slapped myself. Ben may have been kidnapped and I'm thinking about how I should get Matt a treadmill!? Alex! Gosh!

John out a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry. They may not even have him." I nodded my head and gave him a small smile. Yes I wanted to believe him, but I couldn't help the bad feeling I had.



I slammed my hand down on the alarm clock. My new one may I add! I actually got a new one because I was tired of my mom having to be the one to wake me up. That or Ben... My mood soured. Ben didn't come back last night. We had gone over the entire city and suburbs. We asked everyone we knew and even called the police. But apparently to them he isn't technically missing until its been '24 hours.' Bitch! By then he could be dead. No no no no no don't think like that Alex!

I got out of bed and did my morning routine of a shower and getting dressed. I did my makeup then went downstairs. I had no appetite for breakfast to I skipped that and just went to school.


Making my way to my locker I slammed it open, grabbed my books and then slammed it shut about to make my way to 2nd period. "Yikes. What'd the locker ever do to you?" I turned to Becca with a solemn expression. She gasped when she saw my face, "What happened?!" I took a deep breath to clear my sadness (didn't work but eh) and explained what happened to her. Well just the fact that Ben was missing. "Have you called the police?"

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