Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


*2 minutes later...


I thought I took care of that? BEEP* BEEP* I swatted my hand in the general direction of the beeping and his something soft.

Wait. Soft? Last that I knew my alarm clock was hard and a pain in the ass... Actually the last thing I knew my alarm clock was in my garbage.



"Matt if you don't shut up and get out you won't live to see your breakfast." I warned slitting my eyes open slightly.

Upon opening my eyes my guess was correct. Matt stood over my bed with a grin the size of Olympus on his face. Ugh! Its too early for his idiocy!

Getting up I shoved him out of my room and slammed the door in his face. Pounding on my door he yelled at me to get ready for school.

I stomped to my bathroom with a yawn.


After this mornings routine, I have had very little patience. Also didn't help that because I took such a long shower I didn't have time for breakfast.

"Well don't you look like a bundle of sunshine." Slamming my locker door closed I turned towards class as I flicked Becca off behind me. She laughed and jogged to catch up with me. "So anything new with Benster?" Immediately lightening up excitement filled me. I told her all of what happened yesterday and then plans today.

"That's great! I wonder if the leader is hot?" I rolled my eyes. Only Becca would wonder in a life or death situation if the leader of the gang helping us would be hot or not!

"I don't know if he's hot or if he's a 50 year old virgin, I need him to help me get Ben back! I'll do anything to get him back, I really miss him." My eyes started to fills with tears but I held them back. I would NOT show weakness. Especially not here when we both are on our way to Chemistry. Where we all know who the teacher is!

Ugh FML.

When we reached the chem room we walked in with both of us gasping for air from laughing so hard. Becca had just got done explaining how her older brother got into a fight with an old lady at the grocery store last night. Apparently the lady cut in line and so he was demanding she go to the back of the line. Then the old lady proceeded to criticize him on his clothing, attitude, and how unrespectful youth are to their elders these days. The entire line was shocked and by the time they all could focus again the old lady had checked out and left.

I couldn't stop laughing. Just picturing in my mind her brother fighting with an old lady about something Ben fights with his friends about is hilarious. Ben is 9 while her older brother is 20.

...slight time gap there.

The door opened and in came the hotshot himself. Strolling

..yeah he was literally strolling...

Strolling to his seat he sat down. He slumped down and crossed his arms staring out the window. I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. Then the door opened again and the pile of garbage walked in, but not before smirking in my direction.

Ugh... Here we go.



I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! The amount of support I've gotten is more than I ever thought I would and I am so happy! I just wish I would be able to update more..sorry bout that guys. Buuuuuut here's Chapter 22! Tell me whatcha think!!


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lhend16 ❤

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