Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Damien knew something was up when I walked into chemistry mad and Drew was smirking. So he had Sebastian pick me up later that evening to come to the HQ.

Upon arriving the guards let me straight up to his office. Obviously being told I was coming.

I knocked on the door and awaited an answer. "Come in." I heard him call out in his husky voice.

I opened the door and walked in. He was typing away at his computer and had a serious expression on his face making him look in his mid-twenties not an 18 year old. I guess with being a gang leader you would need to grow up fast.

I cleared my throat which made him look up at me. He motioned to a seat in from of him and I sat down. He put down his work and sat back in his chair.

"So wanna tell me what happened?"
He asked. Okay more like demanded.

I shifted uncomfortably under his watched eye and seeming to notice this he smirked. But then dropped it and swiped his face blank.

Taking a deep breath I recalled the conversation with Drew in the hallway and Damien scrunched his eyebrows. "He wants money? That's it?"

His reaction wasn't exactly what I was guessing would happen. I guessed he would get mad and start throwing things...okay maybe not the throwing things part but close to it!

"I don't think I get what you're meaning." I said confusingly. Cause honestly I'm confused. What the heck does he mean 'that's it.' Like I thought that was quite a bit but maybe not to him...who knows what's going on in that handsome head.

He shook his head and chuckled. "I don't mean that in a bad way, what I mean is that I expected him to want more revenge than just money. But we can do that. I have an idea."

So he went on and told me of his idea to cheat Drew out of his money, rob him and get Benny back, while I paid him.

After explaining the plan multiple times then we set a date. Tomorrow.


Hey!! So what's ya think?

I hate saying it but this book is almost over. I have taken into account the ideas given to me and am writing those into the book. Things will pick up fast from here. Also I have a new book coming out soon so be in the lookout for that!
Thanks guys! And remember to:




lhend16 💜

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